Liberal indoctrination in our learning institutions – Montana Standard

It has been said that children are our future, and right now the vast majority of our children are being indoctrinated in our learning institutions (Middle/High Schools and Universities). These so-called learning institutions are rapidly being turned into indoctrination centers for liberal ideas. A whole host of politicians, education officials, as well as teachers/professors are constantly injecting as much liberal propaganda as they possibly can into their classroom instructions.

Instead of learning how to think, our children are continually being told what to think. The mandated Common Core being taught is nothing more than propaganda indoctrination on a massive scale. This is why more children are being home-schooled, or attending private schools, thus avoiding leftist liberals with their dummy down propaganda agenda.

Remember Horace Mann? He is considered the founder of the modern school system, who eliminated logic and rhetoric from the curriculum with express purpose of leading our young students to a state-dependent mind-set rather than a God-centric perspective.

Is there any wonder the moral compass of our country is continuing to rapidly decline? Studies show the best school system that saves the taxpayers billions are the private schools and home-schooling, as well as having one of the highest achievement levels compared to any public school liberal academia.

Overall perspective: The issue in todays education is indeed a compliant mindset and negative impression of competition and success. Review the Timms Report and see where the U.S. compares to other nations of the world in education. Liberal indoctrination takes far less effort and learning than critical thinking and gives an intellectually compliant product. After the next generation the U.S. will live in an academic cesspool while China, Japan, Germany (just to name a few) will leave the U.S. academic sewage to be the model of how to fail.

Sadly, the socialist liberal progressive, politically correct liberal idiot-logical indoctrination camps that masquerade as public schools inculcating our youth instead of instructing them on what they need to know to be productive and responsible citizens.

Lincoln once stated that America could never be destroyed from outside. He said, If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.

Liberals have taken advantage of the apathy and complacency of American citizens and are working to insure that we never recover the skills, knowledge or wisdom that made this country what it once was!

--Kevin H. Brown, Senior Chief, U.S. Navy (Ret), Dillon.Brown retired after serving 41 years in the U.S. government; Navy Senior Chief (27 Years), DOD contractor and EPA (15 years).

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Liberal indoctrination in our learning institutions - Montana Standard

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