Should You Take Vitamins or Supplements? – Health Matters

How do you know if you need to take a supplement? Dr. Parikh: As the name implies, a supplement is meant to add whatever youre not getting enough of through your diet. Its very important that we think about supplements as an addition to what were supposed to get from food.

Even though I do recommend supplements to my patients, I always tell them it is a bridge; supplementation is to fix a deficiency until you get your diet up to a level where it is enough. So I always tell people: Before you think about whether youre missing out on a nutrient or not, ask yourself if youre eating an ideal diet. Think about adopting more of a Mediterranean diet and plant-based diet, and steer away from more processed food and fast foods.

And this is true also for children: We should take the opportunity to train our kids in eating a healthy, well-balanced diet. Its not about eating candy and then eating a multivitamin gummy.

Should we talk with our doctor before taking vitamins or supplements? Theres no downside in getting a baseline blood test. These can be done as part of your routine annual physical. I treat supplements the same as I do any medication: If Im prescribing a medication, Ill first give a blood test. For instance, if Im prescribing a medication for diabetes, I first check the persons blood to make sure they have diabetes; then I check how serious it is and see what the right dose of medication will be. Then Ill repeat the blood test to make sure the medication is working and if I need to adjust the dose.

I do the same when considering supplements. Often when I see my patients for the first time, I will get a baseline set of blood tests to check their vitamin and mineral levels to see if theyre deficient in any of them. Vitamins such as iron, B12, folate, and D can be easily checked through a blood test. A complete metabolic panel will often check for things like sodium, potassium, and calcium. From there I may suggest a multivitamin if someone is low in more than two or three different vitamins.

What should a person look for if theyre shopping for a supplement or multivitamin? Check the label for daily value percentages. For instance, if it says vitamin C, 200%, that basically tells you that you are getting about 200% of your daily recommended value of vitamin C. I tell my patients that you want to be somewhere between 50% to 200%.

If youre shopping for a multivitamin, make sure the ingredient list lists all the vitamins with their daily value percentages.

Another thing to be mindful of is that vitamins can be categorized into water soluble and fat soluble. Some vitamins like A, D, E and K are fat soluble, and its possible to overdose or get too much of them. Thats one reason a blood test is really necessary; you want to understand whether or not you need a certain vitamin, what dose is appropriate, and whether or not youre absorbing the right amount.

Your body can eliminate excess doses of water-soluble vitamins. Examples of water-soluble vitamins are vitamin C, and the B vitamins like folate and b12. But if youre taking fat-soluble vitamins, then you wouldnt necessarily want to exceed the daily recommended values.

Are there certain populations or age groups for which supplements are highly recommended? Absolutely. Pregnant women require supplementation because of their dietary and nutritional needs. And its important they get their blood test done as part of their routine checkups to make sure theyre taking the right doses.

If someone has IBS issues or an autoimmune disease of the gut that impairs their ability to absorb vitamins and nutrition from food, they would benefit from supplementation.

The elderly population might also need supplementation, if an individuals diet isnt varied enough.

Continue reading here:
Should You Take Vitamins or Supplements? - Health Matters

Olivia Buckingham On The Deepak Chopra Life and Soul Retreat With RAKxa Integrative Wellness – Vogue Hong Kong

When life allows you to meet Dr Deepak Chopra face-to-face at the renowned RAKxa Integrative Wellness in Bangkok, I simply couldnt turn it down! Dr Deepak Chopra is a well-known author, speaker, and alternative medicine advocate. He is recognised for his teachings on mind-body healing, spirituality, and holistic wellness. Chopra has written numerous books on these topics and has gained a significant following worldwide. His work often combines elements of Eastern philosophy with Western science to promote holistic health and personal growth. I had the opportunity to attend the Deepak Chopra Life & Soul Retreat at RAKxas Thai property located on a conservation island just outside of the city itself.

RAKxa is a state-of-the-art, luxurious medical and wellness destination based on a beautiful conservation island surrounded by the Chao Phraya River in Bangkok. Its unique approach to wellness addresses the guests body, mind, and lifestyle to help them design their journey to achieve wholeness. RAKxas Integrative approach consists of diagnostics to help guests define their health goals, which are then achieved through personalised solutions that involve an unrivalled selection of both medical science and complementary holistic treatments.

At the new Deepak Chopra Life and Soul Retreat with RAKxa in Thailand, they combine the latest cutting-edge medical diagnostics and treatments with ancient healing wisdom and teachings. But having said that its a very collaborative approach in the sense that they will tailor your treatments to whatever your concerns are both mentally and physically. At RAKxa they offer the latest cutting-edge biomarkers for assessing health and biological fitness along with practical ways to regulate mind, body, and spirit as a unified process. And with this, we explore well-documented scientific techniques for healing. It is our belief that a joyful energetic body, loving compassionate heart, quiet creative mind, and lightness of being along with a self-regulating biology optimized for homeostasis are the ideal landscape for longevity and healthspan. This is the true example of integrative wellbeing at its best, says Dr Deepak Chopra.

RAKxa Lakeside Villas at dusk

RAKxa Lakeside Villas at dusk

Traditional Thai interior lobby

Traditional Thai interior lobby

Interviewing Dr. Deepak Chopra, discussing topics such as longevity

Interviewing Dr. Deepak Chopra, discussing topics such as longevity

To say it was a life-changing experience mentally emotionally and physically is an understatement. There was a profound inner healing that I am eternally grateful for through all the incredible treatments and experiences. These life-changing practices improve your health span, including advanced spiritual meditation techniques, personally tailored cutting-edge diagnostics, and bespoke treatment plans provided by RAKxa and Dr Chopra and leading scientific breakthroughs in longevity.

Wearing Taller Marmo kaftan on the RAKxa walkways out to the private lake

Wearing Taller Marmo kaftan on the RAKxa walkways out to the private lake

I landed at 6 am from London and with the resort only 40 minutes away from the airport, you can start your immersive journey the moment you step foot at the tranquil and secluded location. I was shown to my beautiful lakeside villa and then went straight to my wellness and health consultation with the doctor, who took blood tests and gave me a full medical assessment. To acclimatise to the jet lag, they suggested a session in the hyperbaric chamber claustrophobia wasnt even an option, I fell straight to sleep for the duration of the 60-minute treatment! It was then time for a Marma Ayurvedic healing massage. Marmas are the energy points that run through the body this ancient therapy assists in the healthy flow of energy through the bodys pathways. An antioxidant IV drop was then advised to boost energy and clear brain fog.

Testing out the red cord suspension exercise which optimises neuromuscular control

Testing out the red cord suspension exercise which optimises neuromuscular control

Having an IV drip at the RAKxa wellness centre

Having an IV drip at the RAKxa wellness centre

The next morning I received all my results. A whole treatment plan was designed uniquely for me which included some incredible treatments I had never experienced, including the amazing traditional Ya Pao detoxification which includes a herbal burning on the abdomen. Chakra balancing and crystal healing were also suggested to rebalance energies within the body and clear out stagnant blocks that may be causing an imbalance. Acupuncture, moxibustion and cupping were also advised to promote self-healing.

Experiencing the marma healing ayuerverdic massage

Experiencing the marma healing ayuerverdic massage

The next three days were designed to focus on the life lessons taught by Dr Deepak Chopra. We began with a welcoming ceremony where we were each presented with a white string around our wrist a symbol to establish a teacher-student bond. The ceremony was beautiful. Important components of this were bananas: overcoming obstacles; popped rice: flourishing knowledge; 9 joss sticks: prosperity; 3 candles: students willingness to learn from teachers; 32 Thai baht in money: symbolic fee offered to teachers; tobacco: teachers acceptance of negativities in place of their students; and lastly, everlasting bloom Flowers: symbol of resilience. We started each morning with sunrise meditation and closed the evening with sunset meditation each guided by Dr Deepak. A truly heart-opening powerful and energetic experience I will never forget.

Kate Moss newly launched COSMOSS incense sticks

Kate Moss newly launched COSMOSS incense sticks

Kate Moss reading everyone their personal intention from her book "love letters"

Kate Moss reading everyone their personal intention from her book "love letters"

On our final day, we were treated to a COSMOSS workshop where founder Kate Moss herself led healing readings from her very own LOVE LETTERS A set of 150 affirmations promising to brighten and enlighten whilst embracing the power of meditation. Its a collection of words on love and wisdom from names such as Shakespeare, Gandhi, Rumi and of course Dr Deepak Chopra. I, myself, have integrated these words of wisdom and spirituality into my daily morning routine to motivate and inspire. You just flick and stop where your heart feels it and allow that to be your affirmation of the day. The right affirmation will choose you, they seem to give you what you need to hear at that moment Kate says. She then said, I hope people share them with their loved ones, spreading positivity. It was a very personal moment with the ever-graceful Kate Moss and very touching to have experienced that moment with her. It was very poignant as she read mine out loud to me it read You are not behind, its not too late. Youre exactly where you are meant to be. Everything is unfolding. Dont judge yourself about how long something is taking to happen. Be patient. Your time is coming. Just be thankful you made it this far. She also exclusively launched her new incense sticks, sacred mist. They bring calm and peace and boost your mood. The luxurious incense sticks release a calming and uplifting light smoke for a transformative soul-soothing effect to restore calm energy to your surroundings, soul and self. I also incorporate this ritual now as part of my daily wellness and spiritual practice to help clear the mind and reinvigorate the senses.

Kneeling in prayer at the monk closing ceremony

Kneeling in prayer at the monk closing ceremony

The final day was marked by a traditional Thai Monk ceremony where we each gave offerings. Taak Baat offered the monks items to use in the temple and monastery. These are often dried foods and personal items to remove bad karma. The idea behind the ceremony is to gain happiness in your present life, prosperity, good luck, success in your job and responsibilities. It is also intended to help us see the truth about life. There is also the contented feeling that this merit will have good effects on your next life. The chanting in Balinese and Sanskrit language was mesmerising as we each had a moment to reflect on each of our lives, be present and show our gratitude.

These seven days have brought about an immense transformation mentally, emotionally physically and spiritually. The memories will live in my heart forever.

Read the rest here:
Olivia Buckingham On The Deepak Chopra Life and Soul Retreat With RAKxa Integrative Wellness - Vogue Hong Kong

How Integrative Medicine is helping a teen battle Sickle Cell Disease – News 5 Cleveland WEWS

CLEVELAND, Ohio News 5 is introducing you to a form of healthcare and treatment that you may have never heard of before.

It's called "Whole Health" or "Integrative Medicine."

It focuses on total body wellness and often incorporates acupuncture and even herbal remedies.

Doctors and patients within the University Hospitals healthcare system say this method of care is helping several patients who at times did not know where to turn.

From long COVID to Sickle Cell Disease, they have seen tremendous success with the Whole Health approach.

For those looking to steer clear of heavy pain medications, it has been a Godsend.

At 14 years old, Jordyn Cunningham proudly wears her Lawrence School letterman's jacket.

When she's not thriving in the classroom, she lives for being on the court, playing basketball and volleyball.

"I think I like it so much because I grew up with it and mostly because all my family is athletes," Cunningham said.

But what many don't knowis Cunningham is living with the often-debilitating and excruciating Sickle Cell Disease.

"Some of the pain is in little spurts but it's better than it was before," she said.

"Early onthere wasn't a whole lot of options other than pain management," Kamilah Cunningham, Jordyn's mom, said.

Her mom brought her to University Hospitals Connor Whole Health back in 2020 at age 10 in hopes of finding relief and understanding.

"Jordyn was in a wheelchair. So, Jordyn could not walk this particular day," Cunningham said.

They met with the Medical Director for Pediatric Integrative Medicine with UH Connor Whole Health and Rainbow Babies and Children's Dr. David Miller.

He would ultimately change the trajectory of her life with his treatments.

"We've spent a lot of time teaching about her triggers for pain and the underlying ways that comes about," Miller said.

Integrative Medicine or Whole Health looks at the larger picturefocusing on the patient's physical, emotional, behavioral, and spiritual well-being.

Miller treats Jordyn Cunningham's condition with a combination of bodywork and deep massage of her legs.

He then begins acupuncture, using between six to 12 filaments or tiny needles on her legs and near her temple.

"The points I was doing were points that were indicated for helping to keep blood flowing freely in the body, regularly sort of the harmony of the nervous system," Miller said.

Miller then adds in a heat lamp, dimmed lights, and soft music.

Cunningham can reach the pinnacle of relaxation and a feeling of refreshment.

"Whether it's massage, acupuncture, chiropractic. Mind, body, medicine, yoga things like that. Helping people find ways to manage their own consciousness, their own behavior," Miller said.

After a brief 40-minute appointment, Cunningham is up and ready to go to school and start her day.

"Really relaxes you. Even though it's scary with the needles. Once you get used to itit's really good," Cunningham said.

Kamilah Cunningham says her daughter has good and bad days but the tools and care here have brought a renewed sense of hope.

The treatment has helped her daughter gain confidence, find her voice, and succeed in the classroom and the court.

"We celebrate when we can! Those little moments are big right!? Absolutely," Cunningham said.

It's important to note this isn't her sole care, it's a compliment.

She comes to UH Connor Whole Health biweekly, but she also receives traditional medical care regularly.

For more information, click here.

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How Integrative Medicine is helping a teen battle Sickle Cell Disease - News 5 Cleveland WEWS

What Is "Superwoman Syndrome" & How Does It Affect Hormones … – mindbodygreen

Assistant Beauty & Health Editor

Assistant Beauty & Health Editor

Hannah Frye is the Assistant Beauty Editor at mindbodygreen. She has a B.S. in journalism and a minor in womens, gender, and queer studies from California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. Hannah has written across lifestyle sections including health, wellness, sustainability, personal development, and more.

Image by Sergey Filimonov / Stocksy

October 31, 2023

A lengthy to-do list, a burning urge to optimize every area of your life, and a quarter of the time necessary to do sothese are just some of the thoughts weighing on the mind of someone struggling with "superwoman syndrome."

On a recent episode of mindbodygreen's Clean Beauty School podcast, board-certified integrative medicine doctor Taz Bhatia, M.D., chats through the exact definition and shares tips to ease daily stress and balance hormones.Below, discover the enlightening conversation.

Bhatia declares that women today are one of the most stressed generations. "We're trying to do it all," she says. This constant pressure to achieve perfection in every avenue of life is the essence of "superwoman syndrome," and oftentimes, it's simply not sustainable.

See, stress increases a hormone called cortisol, which leads to what's known as a "cortisol spike." This happens not only when you feel stereotypical overwhelm (like a longer to-do list than time in the day) but also feelings of anger, worry, or grief, Bhatia says.

More specifically, a 2018 study showed that extreme stress can trigger a ninefold increase in cortisol compared to a state of relaxation.

This constant cortisol overload can lead to other hormonal imbalances that then contribute to larger disruptions, as seen in polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), hormonal acne, fertility struggles, and even early menopause, she adds.

Of course, offloading your plate wherever possible may be the first step to easing stress. But it's equally important to add items to your to-do list that relieve stress and positively contribute to your mental health, hormonal health, and, in turn, your overall health. Bhatia refers to this process as your very own "checks and balances" system.

Bhatia suggests common examples like yoga, a walk in the park, daily journaling, and regular mindfulness practice. But don't just schedule in activities other people consider relaxingsearch for personally fulfilling moments instead. If you have a few minutes, consider writing down a few activities you know bring you peace so it's easy to pick next time you have a free block of time.

Ultimately, it doesn't matter what you do; just making a relaxing activity part of your priorities is the lesson here.Think of the scheduling as a preemptive act of self-care.

"[Find] something that really refills you, so that stress, trauma, and all of these other things that life can throw in our way doesn't completely crash your endocrine system," she reiterates.

So the next time you look at your calendar, take note of how many to-do items are just for you and your endocrine systemif there aren't at least a few dedicated activities or moments each week for winding down, try to schedule them in wherever they fit.

By doing so, you'll build a life that is congruent for you, Bhatia says, one that isn't forcing you on the aging spectrum faster than nature intended.

The consistent pressure to optimize every single avenue of one's life (and contributing to heightened stress) may signal "superwoman syndrome." No fear: You can alleviate this "condition" by scheduling in relaxing activities throughout the weekwhatever that means for you. For more hormone-balancing tips, tune in to the latest episode below:

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What Is "Superwoman Syndrome" & How Does It Affect Hormones ... - mindbodygreen

Eric J. Nestler, MD, PhD, Wins the 2023 Peter Seeburg Integrative … – Mount Sinai

Eric J. Nestler, MD, PhD, a world-leading expert on the biological basis of addiction and depression, who serves as Mount Sinais Nash Family Professor of Neuroscience and Director of The Friedman Brain Institute, has been selected as the 2023 recipient of the Peter Seeburg Integrative Neuroscience Prize.

The career prize was awarded by the Society for Neuroscience and the Schaller-Nikolich Foundation for Dr. Nestlers unique integration of molecular and cellular findings within a circuit and systems context that has transformed the field and made foundational contributions to establishing a molecular basis for drug addiction and depression, according to the official announcement.

Dr. Nestler, who is also Dean for Academic Affairs at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai and Chief Scientific Officer of the Mount Sinai Health System, has pioneered the understanding of the molecular, cellular, and physiological changes in the brain caused by drugs of abuse. Through the pioneering use of viral-mediated gene transfer and inducible mutant mice, his laboratory experimentally altered the activity of specific genes within the reward pathways and studied the consequences on the functioning of neural circuits and their behavioral outputs. This work was the first to causally link drug-induced molecular and cellular adaptations with the behavioral abnormalities that define addiction.

Dr. Nestler was also the first to demonstrate how common molecular mechanisms underlie different types of addictions. His coworkers and he also developed one of the best-validated mouse models of depression and other human stress disorders and used it to establish a critical role for the brains reward circuits in depression, a discovery since validated in humans. The Nestler laboratory also used gene and chromatin analyses to discover numerous proteins that mediate either susceptibility or resilience to chronic stress in animals, work that has transformed treatment efforts.

In addition to the outstanding achievements and internationally recognized contributions he has made to the field of neuroscience, as the Founding Director of The Friedman Brain Institute at Mount Sinai, Dr. Nestler has cultivated one of the leading translational brain science institutes in the country, said Dennis S. Charney, Anne and Joel Ehrenkranz Dean of Icahn Mount Sinai and President for Academic Affairs of the Mount Sinai Health System. Under his exemplary leadership, The Friedman Brain Institute attracts some of the most innovative researchers from around the world who have made extraordinary contributions to scientific knowledge, pioneering approaches, and new technologies over the past 15 years. Dr. Nestler is one of the best neuroscientists in the world, whose research has the potential to help millions of patients with serious neuropsychiatric disorders. We are proud of and grateful for what he has achieved here at Mount Sinai and are so pleased that the Society for Neuroscience and Schaller-Nikolich Foundation have recognized his achievements as well.

Dr. Nestler will be presented with the Seeburg Prize on Saturday, November 11, at the Society for Neuroscience annual meeting in Washington and will receive a $50,000 prize. The prize is endowed by the Schaller-Nikolich Foundation and named after Peter H. Seeburg, a German neuroscientist and pioneer in molecular neurobiology. It recognizes scientists who have contributed outstanding advances to the understanding of executive brain functions and cognitive processes.

It is a tremendous honor to receive the Seeburg Prize from the Society for Neuroscience. The Prize underscores the importance of integrative, multidisciplinary approaches to better understand the brain and to advance therapeutics for neuropsychiatric disorders. I especially want to thank the many PhD students and postdoctoral fellows who have been part of my laboratory over the past several decades and who performed all of the work for which Im being recognized, said Dr. Nestler.

Dr. Nestler has served on a number of national organizations. He has been on the Board of Scientific Counselors and National Advisory Drug Abuse Council of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the National Advisory Mental Health Council for the National Institute of Mental Health, a Council member and President (2011) of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, and a Council member and President (2017) of the Society for Neuroscience. He was elected to the Institute of Medicine (now the National Academy of Medicine) in 1998 and to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2005.

About the Mount Sinai Health System

Mount Sinai Health System is one of the largest academic medical systems in the New York metro area, with more than 43,000 employees working across eight hospitals, over 400 outpatient practices, nearly 300 labs, a school of nursing, and a leading school of medicine and graduate education. Mount Sinai advances health for all people, everywhere, by taking on the most complex health care challenges of our time discovering and applying new scientific learning and knowledge; developing safer, more effective treatments; educating the next generation of medical leaders and innovators; and supporting local communities by delivering high-quality care to all who need it.

Through the integration of its hospitals, labs, and schools, Mount Sinai offers comprehensive health care solutions from birth through geriatrics, leveraging innovative approaches such as artificial intelligence and informatics while keeping patients medical and emotional needs at the center of all treatment. The Health System includes approximately 7,300 primary and specialty care physicians; 13 joint-venture outpatient surgery centers throughout the five boroughs of New York City, Westchester, Long Island, and Florida; and more than 30 affiliated community health centers. We are consistently ranked by U.S. News & World Report's Best Hospitals, receiving high "Honor Roll" status, and are highly ranked: No. 1 in Geriatrics and top 20 in Cardiology/Heart Surgery, Diabetes/Endocrinology, Gastroenterology/GI Surgery, Neurology/Neurosurgery, Orthopedics, Pulmonology/Lung Surgery, Rehabilitation, and Urology. New York Eye and Ear Infirmary of Mount Sinai is ranked No. 12 in Ophthalmology. U.S. News & World ReportsBest Childrens Hospitals ranks Mount Sinai Kravis Children's Hospital among the countrys best in several pediatric specialties.

For more information, visithttps://www.mountsinai.orgor find Mount Sinai onFacebook,TwitterandYouTube.

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Eric J. Nestler, MD, PhD, Wins the 2023 Peter Seeburg Integrative ... - Mount Sinai

How mbg’s FNT Program Took My Health & Career To The Next … – mindbodygreen

Holistic Health Coach

Holistic Health Coach

Liz Bane is best known as the Salad for Breakfast girl and is the Founder ofLIZ BANE LIFE IN BALANCE. LBLIB provides Holistic Health Coaching services that teach individuals to understand that optimal health is more than kale and push-ups; its about 360 degrees of wellness.Following a 20-year career as an executive in the non-profit world, in 2018 Liz graduated as a Certified Holistic Health Coach from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition (IIN), and in 2020 she earned a second nutrition degree graduating from the impressive mindbodygreen Functional Nutrition Coaching program.

Image by BRAT CO / Stocksy

November 2, 2023

Like so many people, I struggled with my weight for years. Ever since I was a teenager, I was constantly thinking about food and how it affected my appearance. My weight would yo-yo as I went through periods of restrictive dieting and then binging. I always wanted to be "thin"but I didn't have a roadmap for changing my relationship with food.

Finally, at the age of 49, I decided to invest in my nutrition education. I signed up to take the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN) 12-month holistic health coaching program. This program exposed me to lots of new ideas and visionaries in the health space, from doctors Will Cole and Mark Hyman to Robin Berzin and Frank Lipman. It provided an overview of how to use food to improve your healthbut I felt it really just scratched the surface, and I wanted to go deeper.

That's when I came across mindbodygreen's Functional Nutrition Training (formerly Functional Nutrition Coaching) program. It seemed like this flexible course explored how to use food as medicine in greater depth, with more access to leading health experts. I enrolled, and I'm so happy I did.

This program went on to be like a graduate degree for my functional food education; it brought my understanding of nutrition to a whole new level.

mindbodygreen's FNT program is a comprehensive overview of how to use food as medicinetaught by world-class experts in holistic well-being.

I found FNT to be much more rigorous than IIN. I used to listen to IIN modules while I was doing other things, like driving to and from work. I found all the program quizzes easy, and I got around 97% on the final exam. mindbodygreen's program was a different story: I would have to sit down in front of my computer in the evenings and on weekends to really focus on the material, which touched on everything from the best foods for mental health to the keys to a healthy gut. I would print everything out and spend hours studying for exams. All in all, it took me about six months to complete the program.

My favorite modules included the seven pillars of functional medicine taught by Robin Berzin, M.D. and a deep dive into the autoimmune spectrum with William Cole, IFMCP, DNM, D.C.

The program went deep and provided so much information that I hadn't learned elsewhere. I'd consider IIN my undergraduate degree, and FNT my graduate degreeI got a ton of really specific, helpful information out of it.

I've been a health coach for going on six years now, and I focus on teaching people how to shop, cook, and eat clean in order to achieve their health goals. mindbodygreen's FNT program has given me more credibility and confidence when working with clients.

I now feel like I can answer any questions clients throw my way. And if I don't have the information they need, I know where to find it. I also appreciate that when you enroll in FNT, you get lifetime access to all 660+ pages of the program's in-depth study materials. For me, these packets are golden. I printed them out and saved them on my computer so I can go back and reference them at any time to get really great, specific information.

Even more importantly, this course helped my lifetime struggle with food and eating. Since gaining such a rich understanding of functional nutrition, I've been able to lose weight without dieting; I no longer have a nagging sweet tooth, and I feel really energized and healthy. I've developed a passion for using food as medicine that I love to share with others.

I'm semi-retired, and I appreciate that as a health coach with a focus on functional nutrition, there are so many directions I can take my career. For the past few years, I've chosen to work one-on-one with clients, as well as taught webinars and live cooking demos for people and teams working to take control of their health. This work has been really rewarding, but looking ahead, I'm excited to expand my offerings a bit.

For starters, I'm hoping to create a new community for health and well-being conversations in the new year. I'm still figuring out exactly what this will look like, but it will be similar to a book club. Instead of discussing a novel, though, women will gather to talk about a health-focused book, podcast, trend, or idea in a safe and nurturing environment. I'm also in the process of writing a cookbook that is a collection of my favorite recipes from the last 30 years of my life and what they mean to me. My relationship with food has evolved so much over the decades, and I'm excited to get it down on paper. My goal is to create the compilation as a gift to my daughtersbut if it ends up attracting a wider audience, that's great too.

I love that my nutrition education has allowed me to craft a flexible, creative, authentic career that's completely my own.

I would recommend the mindbodygreen Functional Nutrition Training program to anyone who is looking to take a deep dive into how food impacts health. After taking other health and nutrition courses, this is the one that really solidified my understanding of how to use food as medicine, and I look forward to putting it into practice in my professional and personal life for years to come.

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How mbg's FNT Program Took My Health & Career To The Next ... - mindbodygreen

PODCAST: After this doctor got Lyme, he devoted his practice to it –

By Fred Diamond

I was not aware of the term Lyme Literate Medical Doctor (LLMD) when I began research for my book Love, Hope, Lyme: What Family Members, Partners, and Friends Who Love a Chronic Lyme Survivor Need to Know.

However, I quickly met LLMDs who were personally affected by the disease either they got it or someone in their life did and they now devote their practice to helping Lyme survivors.

One such physician is Dr. Daniel Kinderlehrer, author of Recovery from Lyme Disease: The Integrative Medicine Guide to Diagnosing and Treating Tick-Borne Illness.

On this weeks Love, Hope, Lyme Podcast, he talks about his journey as an LLMD and shares his thoughts on how family members and friends can best support someone in their life who has Lyme and other tick-borne illnesses. His book is one of the most comprehensive on the topic.

He said, In 1996, I got incredibly ill from Lyme disease. When I finally recovered to the point of functionality, and I realized how few doctors had any concept of what was happening, I decided to devote my entire practice to treating people who had tick-borne infections and educating the community.

Before getting Lyme, he practiced holistic, nutritional, alternative, complimentary, and functional medicine for a couple of decades. After becoming knowledgeable about tick-borne illness, he helped create the Lyme Fundamentals course, which is taught at the International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society (ILADS) annual conference.

Friends and family need to know that this is a challenging diagnosis, not that its that difficult for doctors who are trained, like myself, but rather, if you go to a standard internist or infectious disease doctor, theyre going to probably dismiss you if you say the word Lyme. Most patients have gone through many hurdles, enough to have caused post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) from all the wrong diagnoses.

He cautioned that it will be hard to get validation from most Western mainstream doctors. The Lyme support community needs to do everything we can to educate ourselves so that we can say, What youre going through is real, and thats important. Youre not crazy. Youre not making it up.

These infections, in most people, can cause neuropsychiatric problems, the most common being anxiety, depression, and irritability, which can include rage. We must give them a lot of latitude and understand that now they are doing things that they didnt do in their pre-morbid life. Its usually inflammation in the brain, and it sends our mood system nuts.

Dr. Kinderlehrer said that cognitive issues abound, which may bring on dementia in its most severe form.

Also, its never just Lyme disease. People who get chronically ill all have coinfections, other tick-borne infections that are transmitted by these same ticks that are much worse than Lyme. The Lyme itself is not a very bad actor compared to its co-conspirators like Babesia and Bartonella, he said.

There are all the downstream consequences of these infections, which is systemic inflammation, which can occur anywhere in the body, but particularly the nervous system and musculoskeletal systems.

What you shouldnt do is make light of whats going on. Dont say the easy aphorisms like, Youre going to be better soon. You dont know if theyre going to be better soon. Ask, How can I help? Thats what you should say to someone with Lyme.

He advised caregivers to understand that its a complicated disease to treat and that they might need to be involved with the treatment and doctor selection.

The working title for my book was Lyme Disease: Its Complicated. Theres not one fix, and theres no one size fits all, and its never just one thing. We need to ask what do we deal with first? What do we deal with second? How quickly can we start making changes? he shared.

Its different for everybody. Bottom line is that a person with Lyme disease can and must have a very good working relationship with their physician and bring the questions they have to them.

He also advised that patience is needed. Most of the patients I see have been sick for years, some of them for decades. All of them have been to multiple doctors, sometimes two, three, maybe a dozen different doctors, and this is particularly galling. Some of them have been to major medical centers that consider themselves the ultimate in western medicine. Those are usually the worst experiences. People come away from them disillusioned and angry.

But dont give up. Believe in yourself. If a doctor says, Well, you got chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, or, Youre just depressed, you must do your research and say, No, thats just not accurate. I have all these other symptoms. Put them together, will you?

One of the things I try to do with my patients, particularly the first visit when people come in feeling particularly haggard, is to give them hope and say, I see people like you day in, day out. Almost everyone gets better. Not everyone gets all better, but something like 80% to 90% get 80% to 100% better.

He lets them know that it takes time, and it takes work, and there are ups and downs. Its not a linear progression of improvement. I sometimes describe it as windows starting to clear up and over time theres more windows and theyre cleaner. These are times when its like, Im remembering what it feels like to be normal again.

This is particularly important for people with neuropsychiatric illness such as depression. Ive been there. Its devastating. Its feeling hopeless and wanting to die. Its important to help people, to remind them, Remember when life was good? Remember how you enjoyed our trips when the kids were this age and that age? Remember how we used to laugh and so on? That is possible again.

He also recommended that caregivers be present.

One of the times when I was at my worst, I can remember my best friend sitting with me. I was so depressed; I was in such agony that I cant even describe what it was like. He said, Dan, I dont know and I dont understand what youre going through, but I can be here.

Thats what we can do. We can be there.

Click here to listen to all episodes of the Love, Hope, Lyme Podcast or on YouTube.

Fred Diamond is based in Fairfax, VA and can be contacted via Facebook. His popular book, Love, Hope, Lyme: What Family Members, Partners, and Friends Who Love a Chronic Lyme Survivor Need to Know is available on Amazon. The e-version of the book is always free to Lyme survivors. Send him a private message on Facebook for your copy.

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PODCAST: After this doctor got Lyme, he devoted his practice to it -

Warm Up This Winter At The Best Hot Springs In New York State – TheTravel


New York State is famous for its charming towns and scenic train rides. Despite its northern climate, New York boasts hot springs that offer a rejuvenating experience, and many people describe them as hidden gems, especially during winter. Nestled in the heart of nature, these springs provide a cozy retreat during the winter months.

The mineral-rich, geothermally heated waters not only warm you to the core but also impart a range of health benefits. From soothing sore muscles to promoting relaxation and detoxification, these springs are a testament to nature's healing powers.

While there are only a handful of hot springs, their serene surroundings and therapeutic properties make them a must-visit destination for those seeking solace and restoration. Here's what to know about the best hot springs in New York State.

RELATED: A Guide To Banff's Upper Hot Springs, Including When To Go & What To Know

More than leisure, hot springs offer significant health benefits. The mineral-rich waters can alleviate muscle tension, relieving aches and pains. Furthermore, it improves blood circulation, plus relaxation induced by the warm water can reduce stress levels and enhance overall well-being.

The heat and minerals promote detoxification through sweating, aiding in removing toxins from the body. Additionally, hot springs have been associated with improved respiratory health, making them a natural remedy for conditions like asthma.

Lastly, the serene natural surroundings of hot springs create a tranquil environment, fostering mental and emotional relaxation.

Saratoga Springs, New York

When it comes to hot springs, New York is less prolific if compared to the number of hot springs found in New England, California, or Nevada. The state offers five hot springsfour in historic Saratoga, which provides things to do year-round.

Visiting Saratoga Springs means having the chance to discover a place that combines history and culture. One of the most popular destinations is the Saratoga Spa State Park, which cradles a unique natural treasure: its hot springs.

The place has a legacy of healing and serenity and remains a popular destination for those searching for natural rejuvenation. These hot springs are known for their mineral-rich, geothermal waters, attracting visitors for centuries.

The park's historic Roosevelt Baths and Spa allows guests to immerse themselves in the therapeutic properties of these warm, soothing waters. Surrounded by lush parkland, the hot springs provide a tranquil oasis for relaxation and wellness.

RELATED: 10 Hidden Hot Springs That Are The Perfect Destination For Winter

North Bath Street in Ballston Spa, New York

The Medbery Inn & Spa is located in Ballston Spa, New York. It is a historic inn and spa known for its elegant accommodations and wellness services. The Medbery Inn offers a range of amenities, including luxurious rooms and spa treatments.

However, the hotel's highlight is the San Souci mineral, steaming from its foundation. Guests can make the experience more romantic by choosing their rose petal bath for couples.

The Medbery Inn & Spa is a popular destination for those seeking a peaceful retreat in Saratoga Springs.

Battlefield of Saratoga, Saratoga Springs NY

Saratoga Turf & Spa Motel is located in Saratoga Springs, New York. It is a motel known for its convenient location near Saratoga Race Course, making it a popular choice for visitors attending horse racing events. The prices increase during the races, but previous guests reveal the values are more affordable on other dates.

According to former guests, the place offers a spring-fed jacuzzi, creating a private experience to enjoy the springs. The place also features a pool surrounded by gardens.

How about swimming in a pool filled with natural spring water? The Peerless Mineral Complex is located within Saratoga Springs, featuring two swimming pools (a main pool and a zero-depth pool for children) and a 19' double slide.

It's a perfect place for the whole family, and it offers showers, lockers, food & beverage services, and restrooms. Travelers can also find accommodations within the state park, as it offers campsites, cabins & lodging.

RELATED: 10 Inviting Hot Spring Resorts In Oregon For A Relaxing Retreat

Aerial view of downtown Saratoga Springs in Autumn

Although there are only a handful of hot springs in New York, they won't disappoint travelers planning to visit. Of course, visitors can also benefit from spas that use hot spring waters in their treatments.

A gentle stream runs under a bridge in a forested area of Saratoga Springs State Park, New York

The Springs Integrative Medicine Center & Spa is known for its holistic approach. It offers various integrative health services, including acupuncture, massage therapy, and naturopathic medicine, among other wellness treatments.

The center provides comprehensive and personalized care to promote overall well-being and healing. They combine the treatments with the benefits of mineral waters, which are reportedly effective in reducing stress.

A cannon on the battlefield of Saratoga New York

Gideon Putnam Resort is a popular destination for those seeking a relaxing getaway in Saratoga Springs. This resort is made for guests who want a comfortable spa experience combined with history. Located within Saratoga Spa State Park,

the resort is known for its elegant accommodations, beautiful surroundings, and proximity to the natural mineral springs in the park.

The resort offers a range of amenities, including spa services, dining options, and access to the park's trails and outdoor activities

Though there aren't many, travelers will love warming up at these New York State hot springs even in the coldest winter months.

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Warm Up This Winter At The Best Hot Springs In New York State - TheTravel

Traditional and complementary medicine to fall within better defined … – MIMS

Compared to established divisions of the Ministry of Health, the traditional and complementary medicine (T&CM) division is relatively new and represents a work in progress, said Dr Dyanan Puvanandran, Secretary of the T&CM Council, MOH.

Dyanan was speaking at the recent Integrative Medicine Seminar organized by the Malaysian Medical Association (MMA) in Petaling Jaya. He explained that the T&CM Council consists of members appointed by the Health Minister, on the recommendation of the Director-General (DG) of Health. T&CM encompasses a broad field and includes traditional Chinese medicine, traditional Malay medicine, traditional Indian medicine, homeopathy, chiropractic and osteopathy, and Islamic medical practice.

According to the T&CM Act 2016 (Act 775), T&CM is a form of health-related practice that is designed to prevent, treat or manage ailments/ illnesses or preserve the mental and physical wellbeing of an individual; and excludes medical or dental practices used by a medical or dental practitioner, respectively.

Provisions of the Act 775 include the setting up of the T&CM Council, of which Dyanan is a member, empowerment of the T&CM Council to set matters pertaining to the T&CM practices and practitioners in Malaysia. It further requires individuals who wish to practice in any of the recognized T&CM fields to be registered with the T&CM Council as well as relevant mechanisms and criteria. Among others, the Act outlines the duties and responsibilities that a registered practitioner must follow and provides guidelines to protect the rights of patients receiving T&CM services.

The Act further dictates that the DG shall be the chairman of the T&CM Council and the Deputy DG is the alternate chairman. The council, in its latest iteration, consists of three representatives from MOH (one each from the Medical Development Division, Family Health Development Division, and T&CM Division), two from local universities, five from T&CM industries and six from practitioner bodies.

Dyanan said that the scope covered by the T&CM Division of MOH is wide, thus many aspects are still being fine-tuned. He urged all parties to play their part by contributing to the development of the field of T&CM and providing feedback and support where necessary. Recognizing the important role T&CM plays in the social fabric of the Malaysian society, the policy statement on T&CM states that T&CM shall be an important component of the healthcare system. It will coexist with modern medicine and contribute towards enhancing the health and quality of life of all Malaysians. The government will facilitate the development of T&CM and ensure the quality, safe practices, and products of T&CM. The government will support the identification of T&CMs health, economic and social benefits.

The T&CM council is currently running capacity building courses (CBC) targeted at traditional medicine practitioners (Chinese and Indian) and local homeopathy practitioners with no recognized qualifications but have suitable experience as determined by the T&CM Council. These are otherwise known as the grandfathering category of practitioners. Participants will be given a certificate of attendance for the course after meeting the attendance requirement.

The courses teaching plans and course materials were developed with the assistance of the relevant practitioner bodies and experts. Only CBC trainers and training centres approved by the T&CM Council are allowed to offer CBC according to the set fees. Implementation of these CBC commenced in 2021 for traditional Chinese medicine, traditional Malay medicine and homeopathy. Traditional Islamic Medicine CBCs will be available in 2023.

T&CM increasingly being offered in MOH hospitals To date, 15 government hospitals have incorporated T&CM services in their setting. However, one cannot simply access T&CM services via walk-inpatients should be referred by a registered medical practitioner and 18 years of age.

The six types of T&CM services offered in MOH hospitals are traditional massage, Shirodhara, herbal therapy as an adjunct treatment for cancer patients, acupuncture, and External Basti Therapy.

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Traditional and complementary medicine to fall within better defined ... - MIMS

Palliative Medicine Physician Joannis Baez Gonzalez, MD, Joins … –

Fresh Meadows, NY, November 01, 2023 --( York Cancer & Blood Specialists (NYCBS), one of the nation's leading oncology practices, is proud to announce the addition of board-certified Palliative Medicine Physician Dr. Baez Gonzalez. Dr. Baez Gonzalez will practice at 6118 190th Street, Suite 217, Fresh Meadows, NY 11365.

NYCBS is committed to providing comprehensive care to all patients," said Jeff Vacirca, MD, CEO of NYCBS. Dr. Baez Gonzalez's passion for helping patients and his expertise in palliative medicine make him a valuable addition to our practice. I believe our patients will benefit significantly from his compassionate approach and specialized knowledge in palliative care.

Dr. Baez Gonzalez's career in palliative care was motivated by his observation of the immense physical and emotional suffering experienced by patients and their families. As an internal medicine and critical care medicine physician, he recognized a significant gap in the training, resources, and empathetic care provided to these individuals.

I provide a personalized, tailored, and empathetic approach to my patients' needs aimed at offering comprehensive support and comfort to both patients and their families, ultimately improving their quality of life and symptom management. My focus goes beyond treating a medical condition," said Dr. Baez Gonzalez.

Dr. Baez Gonzalez's extensive experience as a physician in five different countries has exposed him to various cultures, traditions, and languages. Through this diverse journey, he consistently observed a shared need among his patients: a requirement for open and empathetic communication coupled with a heightened focus on addressing both physical and emotional suffering.

I am excited to be part of NYCBS to bring a high level of care to our patients in their community and the possibility to build a stronger relationship with them, said Dr. Baez Gonzalez.

Dr. Baez Gonzalez earned his Doctor of Medicine degree at the Superior Institute of Medical Sciences of Santiago de Cuba. He completed a Family Medicine Residency and an Intensive Care Medicine and Emergencies Fellowship at the Hospital General Universitario Vladimir Ilich Lenin in Holguin, Cuba.

Dr. Baez Gonzalez then completed an Internal Medicine Internship in Puerto Rico and an Internal Medicine Residency in New York, followed by a Palliative Care Medicine Fellowship at MD Anderson Cancer Center, where he served as an Assistant Professor of Palliative, Rehabilitation, and Integrative Medicine.

Dr. Baez Gonzalez is fluent in both English and Spanish.

To make an appointment, please call 631-675-5063. For more information, visit

About New York Cancer & Blood Specialists: New York Cancer & Blood Specialists (NYCBS) is a leading oncology practice in the New York Metropolitan area committed to providing world-class, patient-centered, affordable care to patients with cancer and blood disorders in their own communities, close to family and friends. NYCBS has more than 30 locations and 35 hospital affiliations throughout Nassau and Suffolk counties, in the Bronx, Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island, Brooklyn and Upstate New York. We offer a multidisciplinary and comprehensive approach to care that utilizes the most advanced imaging, state-of-the-art therapies, cutting-edge clinical trials, on-site pharmacies, and an in-house laboratory with a full range of pathology services. Advocating for and ensuring the health and well-being of our patients is and always will be our top priority. For more information, visit

Contact: Sarah Gould, Director of Communications

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Palliative Medicine Physician Joannis Baez Gonzalez, MD, Joins ... -

Blue Zones Habits You Should Adopt: Tips for a Long, Healthy Life – Bicycling

After setting three Guinness

Extensive research over the last 20 years backs up this observation. In 2004, Italian scientists published a paper in Experimental Gerontology describing a particular Sardinian area in which men experienced extreme longevity. According to Frontiers in Genetics, while some longer-living people have chronic illnesses for much of their later lives, a rare few are healthy and vital well into their 90s, and then go on to live past 100what researchers would consider extreme longevity. The keys to these long lives seem to be both genetic and lifestyle-related.

To learn more about this combination of factors, Buettner began to explore other pockets in the world where an unusually high number of people live to 100. He called these areas Blue Zones and first wrote about them in a 2005 National Geographic article.

Buettner, a reporter and writer, followed the research of scientists Gianni Pes and Michel Poulain, who studied the Sardinians. Later, the men came together to create a Blue Zone certification process allowing other communities, such as Ikaria, Greece; Okinawa, Japan; Ogliastra Region, Sardinia, Italy; Loma Linda, California; and Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica, to be considered Blue Zones.

The Blue Zones are geographic areas where people tend to live longer and healthier, Daniel A. Monti, M.D., chair of the department of integrative medicine at Thomas Jefferson University tells Bicycling. The lifestyle factors [people in Blue Zones] have in common are known to have an impact on the risk of diseases, including cardiovascular disease and cancer. If you can move the needle a little closer to how people live in the Blue Zones, then you will improve your health.

The good news? As a cyclist, youre already doing something that will help you live longer.

The Blue Zones provide the most compelling evidence for the incredible gifts of lifestyle as medicinemore years in life and more life in years, says David Katz, M.D., founder and former director, Yale Universitys Yale-Griffin Prevention Research Center.

To help you follow in the footsteps of those in these areas, here are Blue Zone habits to adopt that can make your days happier and less stressful, and that contribute to longer, healthier lives.

In the Blue Zones, including those in Sardinia, Italy and Loma Linda, California, the longest-living people createor are born intostrong social circles.

Surrounded by friends and family, Blue Zone people rarely experience loneliness, a condition that the American Surgeon General, Vivek Murthy, recently called an epidemic in the United States. The mortality impact of being socially disconnected is similar to that caused by smoking up to 15 cigarettes a day, and is even greater than that associated with obesity and physical inactivity, Murthy recently wrote in a Health and Human services report.

In Okinawa, children get set up with a moai, a circle of friends who meet and support each other throughout their lives. Similarly, in Loma Linda, the healthiest citizens belonged to the same religious community.

If you dont already have a strong social circle, create connections with those who live a healthy lifestyle. Healthy behaviors are as contagious as a cold, Buettner writes. Cycling clubs and group bike rides are an easy way to make health-minded friends. To find one near you, check out Meetup pages (or use Meetup to start your own group) or talk to your local bike shop to find out more about group rides and clubs in your area.

Many people became disconnected during the pandemic, Monti says. Think about one person you used to have a connection with that you lost touch with over the past three years and send that person a message.

Katz also suggests volunteering at schools, nursing homes, animal shelters, and other non-profits. This helps you meet people and gain a sense of community, he says.

People who live in Blue Zones move frequently as part of their lives rather than carving out time for exercise. To adopt that habit, think about ways you can incorporate movement into your regular schedule, like on your commute to work.

Think a short hop onto your bike rather than into your car wont make much of a difference? A 2020 Lancet Planet Health study found that people who commute by bike have a 20 percent lower risk of dying in a 10-year period and a 24 percent lower risk of dying from cardiovascular disease than those who drive.

Another report showed that men, aged 55 to 79, who were able to cycle 100 kilometers in under 6.5 hours and women who could cycle 60 kilometers in under 5.5 hours at least twice in the three weeks prior to testing had much greater levels of T-cells, or immunity cells that fight new infections, than their sedentary peers, and these cell levels were similar to young adults.

Normally the thymus gland starts shrinking from the age of about 20, and levels of IL-7, a hormone that maintains the production of new immune cells, decline. But aerobic exercise, including cycling, can prevent or slow this down, study co-author Janet M. Lord of the Institute on Inflammation and Ageing at the University of Birmingham in the U.K. tells Bicycling.

To start [bike commuting], plan on how to get from A to B most safely, says Nicole Brunet, policy director of the Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia. Streets have different safety levels, including shared roads or those with a protected bike lane. Opt for the most protected roads when you can.

If there are no bike lanes, ride on smaller streets, as opposed to large boulevards. The one- or two-lane roads have fewer cars, providing less opportunity for conflicts, and provide more visibility for cyclists, says Brunet. If your locality does not offer a bike lane map, try using the free apps Bikemap, Komoot, and PeopleforBikes Ride Spot.

A lot of people dont know that they can incorporate public transportation into their cycling, Brunet notes. You can, for example, bike to a train station and bring it on board, then finish the ride once you reach your stop, which can help make your commute quicker and smoother.

By one estimate, people in the Blue Zones engage in some sort of physical activitygardening, food preparation, cleaning, or walkingevery 10 to 15 minutes. Jeffrey Bland, Ph.D., a nutritional medicine expert and founder of Big Bold Health, says that getting up every hour and walking during your lunchtime and meetings is one of the best ways to mimic this practice.

While this may sound time-consuming, he compares it to time spent dealing with medical issues and health complications. If a person views time spent in nature engaged in simple activities as a time waster, then [eventually] their body will speak to them with messages that come in the form of inflammation, sleep disturbances, foggy brain, mood swings, obesity, blood sugar problems, and compromised immune function, Bland says.

In the Blue Zones, going to a friends house, out to eat, to work, or to church is an opportunity for a walk, according to the website. If you think your hometown makes it difficult to do this, a 2021 Bureau of Transportation Statistics found that 52 percent of all trips from home were less than three miles, while 28 percent of trips were less than one mileall walkable and bikeable distances. (A trip was defined as being away from your home for at least 10 minutes.)

In Okinawa, Japan, families sit on tatami mats while they eat or when they have tea or talk. This means they get up and down from the floor dozens of times throughout the day. Because this movement requires effort, its good for your heart. It also helps to ensure that you will be less likely to fall as you age.

In fact, a 2014 European Journal of Preventive Cardiology study of more than 2,000 men and women, aged 51 to 80, found that the ability to sit and rise was a strong predictor of mortality. Thats because the ability to get up and down correlates with musculoskeletal fitness and you are less likely to be hospitalized if you do fall when your bones are strong and you can help yourself up.

One easy way to mimic sitting down and standing up more often throughout your day is adding squats to your regular routine. Do a set of 20 or go for two minutes straight while you wait for dinner to cook or as a quick break from your desk.

Sitting on the floor and getting up some number of times is certainly good for core strength, says Katz, but I wouldnt count on it as the way to condition yourself. As in the Blue Zones, move as much and as often as possible.

In addition to a life filled with activity and a strong sense of social connection, dietary surveys found that 95 percent of 100-year-old Blue Zone residents eat plant-based diets. In fact, beans are the cornerstone of most Blue Zone cuisines despite the locations being all around the world.

Make use of legumes, such as beans, lentils, and chickpeas, Monti says. These are a mainstay of Blue Zone diets, and, because they are excellent protein sources, they make a perfect substitute for meat.

Likewise, use fresh and dried fruits as go-to snacks, as well as nuts, he says. In Loma Linda, researchers found most residents are vegetarian. Researchers have particularly noted that they snack on nuts, fruit, and other natural foods, which consistently has been shown to add two to three years of life. Processed foods, on the other hand, can erase some of the benefits of an otherwise healthy diet.

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Blue Zones Habits You Should Adopt: Tips for a Long, Healthy Life - Bicycling

Why Catherine Lowe Worries About This Potential Golden Bachelor … – E! NEWS

These days their middle child is not only fully recovered, "He is the joy of our family," said Catherine. "He's Mr. Popular and I just can't imagine my life without him."

As for the Seattle native's journey with former Bachelor Sean, 39, while it's certainly not the most dramatic ever, it's still quite sweet.

"Honestly, if I could capture the feeling that we have in our house, it is exactly what we wanted," she said of discussions they had during their season's2013 run."We're living in a dream world. We're very, very blessed.We feel so grateful that our kids get along with each other and they're sweet, they're polite, they're curious. So we feel like we've been dealt a very good hand right now. And we're just taking it in."

And they're not the only ones still happily sporting their Neil Lane hardware. As we raise a toast to the pairwho will mark their10th anniversary in January, let's also cheers to these other Bachelor Nation duos.

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Why Catherine Lowe Worries About This Potential Golden Bachelor ... - E! NEWS

BGS Gleneagles Hospital, Bengaluru becomes One of the First Corporate Hospitals in India to Introduce Integrative Medicine and Research Department -…

NewsVoir Bengaluru (Karnataka) [India], October 28: Gleneagles Kengeri is the first hospital in IHH India Network to provide Integrative Medicine, extending whole-person care to patients across various disciplines, including Oncology, Obstetrics, Pulmonology, Neurology, Cardiology, and Gastroenterology.

Today, we inaugurate Phase 1, featuring Yoga Therapies, Reiki, Medical Nutrition, and Psychotherapy. In 2024, we will unveil Phase 2, introducing Naturopathy, Acupuncture, and Acupressure to further enhance our services. BGS Gleneagles Hospitals, Bengaluru, is pleased to announce the launch of its Integrative Medicine and Research Department on the 27th of October. This department signifies a notable achievement in our dedication to patient-centered healthcare, with a primary focus on enhancing patient well-being and overall quality of life.

Integrative medicine adopts an approach that harmoniously blends traditional medical interventions with complementary therapies, including Naturopathy, Yoga, Reiki, Acupuncture, Psychotherapy, Medical Nutrition and more, aiming to achieve the highest level of health and holistic healing. Dr Crystal D'Souza, PhD, HoD & Consultant in Integrative Medicine & Research at BGS Gleneagles Hospital Kengeri, Bengaluru, elaborates, "Integrative medicine adopts an evidence-based strategy to address the whole individual, encompassing physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects. By integrating conventional and complementary therapies, it optimizes health and fosters healing."

Speaking at the occasion, Biju Nair, Cluster COO Gleneagles Hospitals, Bengaluru said, "We are thrilled to be at the forefront of this global movement. While globally recognized institutions have already adopted Integrative Medicine to emphasize its importance, our department further solidifies our commitment to providing a comprehensive healthcare experience that caters to each patient's unique needs." Guest of Honour, Prof Rajeev Gowda, VC SITK, Govt. of Karnataka opined, "This is a tremendous innovation which will change the life of patients and make patient care so much more impactful and ensure holistic healing drawing on best of our tradition and the best of allopathy."

Chief Guest, Dr Manjunath Sharma NK, Pro VC and Director of Research S-Vyasa University stated, "Swasthasya Swasthay Rakshanam, explains the importance of maintenance and promotion of health in healthy, along with treating a sickness. Integrative medicine and research department at BGS Gleneagles Hospital redefines this and I am glad to see IHH India, such a huge group take the lead in this direction." Speaking at the occasion, Special Guest, Sudha Belwadi, senior cine actress from Sandalwood said, "Integrative medicine is the need of the hour. In the garb of entertainment, what we get to see is a lot of violence in our films and our news channels. Subliminally, this creates disturbance in the way we think and that can lead to stress. Peer group pressure has catapulted because of social media which again leads to stress. Consequently, diseases like cancer and autoimmune conditions are on the ascent, largely attributed to this stress. The demand for a department that prioritizes a comprehensive approach to healing, delving deep into the well-being of individuals, is more pressing than ever."

During the event, our experts, Sumalatha, a renowned Psychologist and Author; Karthigai Selvi, our esteemed Chief Nutritionist; and Dr Rakshita, Yoga Physician discussed the pivotal role of often underestimated complementary approaches to healing such as Reiki, Nutrition, Yoga and Naturopathy in driving the holistic healing of our patients in the long run. The Integrative Medicine and Research Department at BGS Gleneagles Hospitals, Bengaluru is set to be a game-changer in healthcare, enhancing the lives of patients and helping them achieve a higher quality of life throughout their treatment journey.

BGS Gleneagles Global Hospital at Kengeri, Bengaluru is one of Karnataka's most renowned multi-organ transplant and tertiary care multi-specialty hospital, with specialization in Gastroenterology, Cancer Care, Neurosciences, Renal Sciences and Cardiac Sciences. The NABH and NABL accredited hospital operates450 beds. A modern Cath Lab, 6 operation theatres and advanced imaging services (CT and Tesla MRI) offer cutting edge emergency and critical care management, in accordance with internationally approved clinical protocol. Over one and a half decades of clinical excellence has earned the hospital tie-ups with all major cashless health insurance players and is the preferred choice hospital of all major corporates in the neighborhood. The hospital also offers Video Consult services to its patients in India, Africa, and the SAARC nations.

BGS Gleneagles Global Hospital is a part of IHH Healthcare, one of the world's largest healthcare providers. With its full spectrum of integrated services, dedicated people, reach and scale, and commitment to quality and safety, IHH aspires to be the world's most trusted healthcare services network, united by a single purpose: to touch lives and transform care. (ADVERTORIAL DISCLAIMER: The above press release has been provided by NewsVoir. ANI will not be responsible in any way for the content of the same)

(This story has not been edited by Devdiscourse staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)

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BGS Gleneagles Hospital, Bengaluru becomes One of the First Corporate Hospitals in India to Introduce Integrative Medicine and Research Department -...

Ayurveda | Johns Hopkins Medicine

Ayurveda, a natural system of medicine, originated in India more than 3,000 years ago. The term Ayurveda is derived from the Sanskrit words ayur (life) and veda (science or knowledge). Thus,Ayurveda translates to knowledge of life. Based on the idea that disease is due to an imbalance or stress in a person's consciousness, Ayurveda encourages certain lifestyle interventions and natural therapies to regain a balance between the body, mind, spirit, and the environment.

Ayurveda treatment starts with an internal purification process, followed by a special diet, herbal remedies, massage therapy, yoga, and meditation.

The concepts of universal interconnectedness, the body's constitution (prakriti), and life forces (doshas) are the primary basis of ayurvedic medicine. Goals of treatment aid the person by eliminating impurities, reducing symptoms, increasing resistance to disease, reducing worry, and increasing harmony in life. Herbs and other plants, including oils and common spices, are used extensively in Ayurvedic treatment.

In India, Ayurveda is considered a form of medical care, equal to conventional Western medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, naturopathic medicine, and homeopathic medicine. Practitioners of Ayurveda in India undergo state-recognized, institutionalized training. Currently, Ayurvedic practitioners are not licensed in the United States, and there is no national standard for Ayurvedic training or certification. However, Ayurvedic schools have gained approval as educational institutions in some states.

Ayurveda can have positive effects when used as a complementary therapy in combination with standard, conventional medical care.

Many Ayurvedic materials have not been thoroughly studied in either Western or Indian research. Some of the products used in Ayurvedic medicine contain herbs, metals, minerals, or other materials that may be harmful if used improperly or without the direction of a trained practitioner.Ayurvedic medicines are regulated as dietary supplements rather than as drugs in the United States, so they are not required to meet the safety and efficacy standards for conventional medicines. These medicines can interact, or work against,the effects of Western medicines. Investigate the training and background of Ayurvedic practitioners whom you intend to use.

It's important to discuss any Ayurvedic treatments that you use with your doctor. Women who are pregnant or nursing, or people who are thinking of using Ayurvedic therapy to treat a child, shouldconsult their healthcare provider. It is important to make sure that any diagnosis of a disease or condition has been made by a healthcare provider who has substantial conventional medical training and experience with managing that disease or condition. While Ayurveda can have positive effects when used as a complementary therapy in combination with standard, conventional medical care,it should not replace standard, conventional medical care, especially when treating serious conditions.

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Ayurveda | Johns Hopkins Medicine

Seelos Therapeutics to Present a Poster on SLS-004 at the 11th Annual Alzheimer’s & Parkinson’s Drug Development Summit – Investing News Network

Seelos Therapeutics to Present a Poster on SLS-004 at the 11th Annual Alzheimer's & Parkinson's Drug Development Summit  Investing News Network

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Seelos Therapeutics to Present a Poster on SLS-004 at the 11th Annual Alzheimer's & Parkinson's Drug Development Summit - Investing News Network

The Wim Hof breathing method: How to, benefits, and more – Medical News Today

This breathing method draws on the teachings of Wim Hof, an athlete and motivational speaker who believes that cold exposure can improve health. The method combines periods of hyperventilation with breath-holding.

The method also involves cold exposure in the form of ice baths or very cold showers.

Hof views his method as a meditative approach to improving health and well-being. His followers claim that hyperventilation leads to increased levels of oxygen in the blood, enabling a person to hold their breath for longer. However, the research to date has not proven this to be true.

Read on to learn more about the Wim Hof Method, including how it works and the benefits and risks.

The Wim Hof Method has three pillars:

A handful of studies have assessed the Wim Hof breathing method. These studies attempted to measure the methods ability to enhance specific capacities, with the results varying.

Most of the studies have been very small, meaning that they cannot provide conclusive data.

In a 2021 study, researchers observed 15 amateur sprinters. They asked the participants to perform a Wim Hof session before running and compared their performance with that of a control group.

They found that the breathing method had the following effects:

Most studies have agreed that the method does not improve athletic performance, at least over the short term.

A 2022 study involving adult males who tried the method, including cold exposure, found that the method might enhance the presence of anti-inflammatory chemicals. This may potentially enable the body to reduce or control inflammation.

The Wim Hof Method is a type of meditation. In general, meditation may reduce stress, anxiety, and depression.

On his website, Hof claims that his method offers a range of benefits, including an accumulation of brown fat, fat loss, and reduced inflammation. His most devoted followers claim that the method is life changing.

However, because research into the method is relatively limited, scientists cannot validate these claims.

A small 2018 study interviewed 16 people about their experiences with the method. They reported subjective benefits such as:

Research on hyperventilation generally not the Wim Hof Method specifically suggests that rapid breathing may relax the brain and decrease elevated pressure in the skull. Anecdotally, users report greater feelings of well-being, the ability to hold their breath for very long periods, and a reduction in depression and anxiety.

Several professional athletes who have adopted the method claim that it has improved their performance.

The foundation of the Wim Hof Method is its breathing technique. According to Hof, beginners should start as follows:

Hof says that individuals should perform the practice daily.

As a person becomes more accustomed to the method, their initial 3040 breaths should come closer together so that they are hyperventilating while still breathing as deeply as possible.

Intermediate practitioners may begin to use the method while taking a cold shower.

As a person becomes even more comfortable with the method, they may take ice baths while performing the breathing exercises. Hof argues that a number of specific, teachable advanced techniques may help a person tolerate extremely cold temperatures or improve their athletic performance.

Hof cautions that users may feel dizzy, tingly, or lightheaded when hyperventilating.

Hyperventilation poses some health risks, such as:

People who prolong the breath-holding portion of the technique may also deprive their brain of oxygen, increasing the risk of fainting or hypoxic brain injury.

It is important to note that this method is not safe to do in the water or in any context where the loss of consciousness could be dangerous. This includes cold showers when a person is alone and could fall.

Some people who practice the Wim Hof Method report having difficulty sleeping. In people prone to anxiety, the hyperventilation may also intensify feelings of anxiety or even trigger a panic attack.

The Wim Hof Method is an alternative health practice and meditation style. It has rapidly gained popularity in the alternative health community, as well as among some health and wellness advocates.

As with most forms of meditation, the Wim Hof Method may offer some health benefits. However, hyperventilation is not safe for everyone, and people with a history of fainting should consult a healthcare professional before trying this method.

See the article here:
The Wim Hof breathing method: How to, benefits, and more - Medical News Today

What you need to know about mammograms – Royal Examiner

Accountants arent the only ones who go by the numbers. Increasingly, doctors gauge your health by your numbers as well. Better numbers mean better health and a lower risk of heart attacks and strokes.

You can make healthy choices that add up to better numbers every day. To do it, keep LDL cholesterol numbers in mind and choose smaller portions of high-fat foods like hamburgers, cheese, and French fries.

The two faces of cholesterol:According to the American Heart Association, an acceptable total cholesterol reading is 200 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dl) or lower. Above 200, you should take some steps to lower it. The number includes two kinds of cholesterol.

The bad: Low-density lipoproteins, the LDLs: This is the stuff that clogs arteries. You need some, but too much is bad news. Shoot for an LDL reading of less than 100.

If your total cholesterol level is high, you have two choices: You can pay more attention to eating a low-fat diet and getting some exercise, or you can get your doctors advice about cholesterol-lowering drugs.

According to the University of Kentucky College of Medicine, eating high amounts of soluble fiber from sources like oat bran and beans can also help lower cholesterol. In the colon, fiber may interfere with the bodys production of LDL.

The good: High-density lipoproteins, the HDLs: The minimum good reading here is 35 mg/dl. If you have an HDL as high as 80, despite high total cholesterol levels, you may not have to worry about heart disease.

To increase good cholesterol in your blood, eat more fruits and vegetables. Aerobic exercise can raise levels of the protective HDL and may also help to lower LDL.

If the names HDL and LDL confuse you, remember that, in most areas, high is better than low!

Read more from the original source:
What you need to know about mammograms - Royal Examiner

Zinc supplement could lower your risk of catching flu by 68% – Cheap and affordable – Express

With flu and Covid twindemic set to roam through the country this winter, it might seem impossible to entirely dodge this double whammy. However, youre not left entirely at the mercy of these viruses. There is a potent supplement that could give your immunity extra boost, according to research.

Between filling up on chicken soup and eating antiviral garlic, the advice on what can help your immunity seems to be endless.

Fortunately, research can help distinguish between whats an old wives' tale and what can actually help.

A meta-analysis of 28 randomised trials, published in the British Medical Journal, makes a strong case for making zinc supplements your go-to this winter.

Zinc is a mineral that helps with various processes in your body, including making new cells and enzymes, healing wounds and processing certain parts of your food.

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The researchers found that using the popular supplement as prevention was able to slash your risk of contracting flu-like illnesses by a whopping 68 percent.

Whats more, zinc could also provide a helping hand once you contract the virus, with its ability to shorten the duration of your symptoms.

Looking at 5,446 participants, the research team found that zinc treatment was able to cut the symptom period by around two days to be exact.

Apart from flu, zinc was also shown to reduce the risk of catching a cold - another prevalent culprit linked to the colder months.


While the researchers noticed a higher risk of non-serious side effects - think nausea or mouth and nasal irritation - the risk of serious adverse events was low.

Jennifer Hunter, integrative medicine doctor, said: Two things people want to know when they get a cold is how long is it going to last, and how sick am I going to get?

We found that zinc probably reduces the duration of illness and there were quite a few signals that told us that zinc has the potential to reduce severity, particularly at that peak time of illness between days two and four.

This provides clinicians and patients with a viable alternative to the inappropriate use of antibiotics, that continues to be a major problem globally.

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Furthermore, the doctor explained that zinc doesnt only benefit those who are deficient in the mineral to begin with.

It is commonly thought that zinc's role in preventing and treating infections is only for people who are zinc deficient; our findings really challenge this notion, Hunter added.

While the analysis showed some promising results, the researchers also cautioned that some of the studies included were small, didnt compare the same dosages, and could include bias in the reporting of symptoms.

This is a risk that comes with meta-analyses as the data is only as reliable as the input.

Hunter said: Clinicians and consumers need to be aware that considerable uncertainty remains regarding the clinical efficacy of different zinc formulations, doses and administration routes.

At the moment there just isn't enough research to say whether a zinc nasal spray, versus a nasal gel, versus a lozenge, versus oral zinc is any better or worse than the others.

Most of the trials used zinc gluconate or zinc acetate formulations, but that doesnt mean that other zinc compounds are less effective.

Despite these uncertainties, the doctor explained that zinc products are widely available, affordable, and generally safe.

See more here:
Zinc supplement could lower your risk of catching flu by 68% - Cheap and affordable - Express