Claws Out For Ivanka Trump Show Liberal Love For Women Is A Sham – The Federalist

Women can be vicious. Just ask men. Better yet, ask other women. If theyre honest, theyll tell you. Women can be harsh to their own kind, especially liberal women. Thats what makes feminist campaigns like the Womens March a bit of a joke. Its not about women sticking up for one another. Its about liberal women advancing their own liberal agenda, and if youre not on board, youre attacked, viciously.

Just look at how Ivanka Trump is being treated. After she posted an adorable photo with her son, comedian Ilana Glazer of Broad City unfurled her claws.

Ivankas tweet didnt mock other women. In fact, many women could identify with her. Plenty of working moms have taken their kids to work, and women who are homemakers or work from home appreciate a mom who is active in their childrens lives.

I can bet if any liberal celebrity or politician tweeted the same thing, theyd be praised for it. But not Ivanka. Because shes her fathers daughter, she is unfairly attacked by other women.

The same goes for all the stores that are pulling or downplaying her clothing lineNordstrom, Neiman Marcus, T.J. Maxx, and Marshalls. Ivanka was shocked, of course. Why would they boycott her clothing line just because of her dads politics? Arent women supposed to be treated independently, separate from their male relatives?

Isnt this what we were told repeatedly about Hillary Clinton? It didnt matter what Bill did. Hillary was her own woman. She didnt have to answer for her husbands shortcomings and immoral behavior, particularly toward women. Yet this is what we get about Ivanka: While she is not her dad, she is complicit in his actions, especially considering her husband is her dads advisor.

Complicit in his actions? Which illegal or immoral actions is she involved in, exactly? Unlike Hillary, who actually took active steps to silence her husbands accusers of sexual assault and rape, Ivanka has done nothing even remotely similar. She has supported her dads candidacy, and she continues to support him, but she is not actively complicit in anything. Women are independent of men, right?

Or is that true only for liberal women? Only they are seen as individuals with identities of their own, but Republican women, well, they have no independent identities. Theyre appendages of the men in their lives. I call BS on that one.

Its this kind of hypocrisy from the Left that got Donald Trump elected. People are tired of it. They see behind the veil where petty, insecure people are pulling the levers. This is especially true of the feminist movement: Madonna, Ashley Judd, Scarlett Johannsson, Sarah Silverman, and all the rest of the liberal celebrities who are in meltdown mode right now are being exposed for the frauds they are.

Just like the organizers who refused to let pro-life women participate in the Womans March, and the conga line of liberal elites who bash conservative female pundits and politicians as if theyre Sarah Palin beating a halibut, women who attack Ivanka are backstabbing harpies. Thats all. Theyre not principled. They dont care about womens rights. They dont care about the dignity of all women. They care about one thingtheir own egos, which are wrapped up in their liberal politics. They dont care about you. They care about themselves.

Instead of engaging in rational debate, they attack, boycott, politicize, and propagandize. They bastardize their art and their platforms to perpetuate an ideology that undermines our republic, our freedom, the American people, and the very women they say they represent.

Its time we said Enough! Enough of the double standards. Enough of the vicious attacks on Republican women or anyone who dares to challenge the Left and their ideology, which isnt about empowering women at all. Its about empowering the state, the political elites, and their handmaidens in Hollywood.

Ivanka Trump is a successful, beautiful, strong woman who should be celebrated and supported for the example she sets for young women as a wife, mother, business woman, and, yes, even daughter. Is she perfect? No, none of us are. But to put a target on her merely because she loves and supports her father is the opposite of what feminism represents. Feminism is supposed to be about respecting a womans choices, seeing her independent of a man, and celebrating her on her own merit. Ivanka deserves that. We all do.

Correction: An earlier version of this article included TJ Maxx and Marshalls in a list of retailers that have pulled Ivanka Trumps clothing line. The two have so far kept her clothes on the shelves but removed them from special displays and signs.

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Claws Out For Ivanka Trump Show Liberal Love For Women Is A Sham - The Federalist

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