Letter to the editor: Have suspicions of the liberal agenda? – The Winchester Star

Suspicious of the liberal agenda? Good for you! After all, in 1776, they started a treasonous revolt against the king in the name of natural rights, not the least of which was the freedom for people to choose their own leaders.

Then they saddled the country with freedom of religion, freedom of the press, the freedom of people to speak out against authority without fear of punishment quite radical things at the time!

They coddled evil-doers with the 4th-8th Amendments!

They ended slavery, supported racial integration, supported voting rights for all citizens (in a democratic republic), and equal protection for all under the law (14th Amendment).

Theyve been terribly anti-business, getting the eight-hour workday, weekends (Saturday used to be a workday for all), overtime pay, paid sick leave, family medical leave, the end of child labor, equal pay regardless of race or gender, wages beyond hand-to-mouth bare subsistence, and direct aid should one become too ill or physically unable to work.

They push regulations for clean air and clean water and have been responsible for purity laws for food, drugs, and other forms of consumer protection (bad for profits).

They slapped us with free public education and financial aid for people who wish to improve themselves via a college degree. Yes, nefarious agenda indeed! Truly nasty, nasty people. How dare they try to make the country a better place for everyone? Thats not the American way!

Jay Gillispie

Stephens City

Read the original post:

Letter to the editor: Have suspicions of the liberal agenda? - The Winchester Star

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