Leftists used to fake being liberal and champions of liberty. Now they openly oppose it. – NOQ Report

Stressful times bring out everyones fundamental principles. Those favoring liberty tend to go in that direction. Those favoring the oppositecontroltend to go further towards a control mentality. This is just a manifestation of the contrast between the political Right and the political Left:

The Right prefers liberty over control.The Left prefers control over liberty.

We are now seeing this in how the left has reacted to the Chi-Com virus pandemic with a tendency towards asserting more and more control over the people while the right is resisting this authoritarianism. Even more incredible is their reaction to this movement, given their pass pretense of being liberal.

The national socialist left has a knee jerk reaction to anything favored by President Trump. They automatically hate it, with ever-changing positions depending on what he has advocated. Thus, weve seen them come out against an existing drug that showed great promise in treating COVID-19.

Their newfound resistance to the cause of liberty was overwhelmingly energized when he tweeted that we need to LIBERATE MINNESOTA!, LIBERATE MICHIGAN! and LIBERATE VIRGINIA, and save your great 2nd Amendment. It is under siege!

However, its not that they are merely coming out in opposition of freedom because of president Trump. They are revealing their long-held beliefs, despite their false labeling as liberal.

Our first and probably most egregious example hails from the Washington Post with an investigation of how pro-liberty groups [or as they term them pro-gun provocateurs] actually had the temerity to come out against the heavy-handed approach of some governors in their suppression of individual liberty:

The Facebook groups target Wisconsin, Ohio, Pennsylvania and New York, and they appear to be the work of Ben Dorr, the political director of a group called Minnesota Gun Rights, and his siblings, Christopher and Aaron. By Sunday, the groups had roughly 200,000 members combined, and they continued to expand quickly, days after President Trump endorsed such protests by suggesting citizens should liberate their states.

The Dorr brothers manage a slew of pro-gun groups across a wide range of states, from Iowa to Minnesota to New York, and seek primarily to discredit organizations like the National Rifle Association as being too compromising on gun safety. Minnesota Gun Rights, for instance, describes itself as the states no-compromise gun rights organization.

It wasnt long before the many who claim to be liberal decided that even talking about such things are to be verboten.

Even worse, the national socialist media suddenly decided that liberate means a call to arms:

Does that mean that we shouldnt be allowed to use the words liberty and liberal for the same reason?

Weve saved the most egregious example for last. This one is steeped in hypocrisy given that The Washington Democracy Dies in Darkness Post would be the first to the barricades if their favorite part of the Bill of Rights and the 1st amendment were threatened.

But when it comes to other peoples essential human rights, any crisis is a good crisis for the suppression of those rights. Not to mention the numerous times theyve called for gun confiscation or the changing of the Constitution because they have no use for other peoples liberty or their common sense human rights.

Would they have the same attitude if the government suppressed their essential human rights?

The authoritarian left has always had to rely on deception and lies in order to survive. Their base ideology is predicated on attaining power over everyone else, but they cannot be truthful about this fact of life.

The left has always needed to use false labeling to remain viable, from lauding themselves as being liberal to pushing ancient ideas under the guise of being progressive or being democratic while ignoring what the people truly want.

If anything, we are seeing the authoritarian left for what they truly are: Obsessed with control of every aspect of society. The people were willing to accommodate their petty wishes for a little while, but that time is up. They want their liberty back.

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Leftists used to fake being liberal and champions of liberty. Now they openly oppose it. - NOQ Report

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