SCLC calling on blacks to "Exercise Second Amendment Rights"

ATLANTA - State Southern Christian Leadership Conference President Sam Mosteller is calling on all African Americans to exercise their Second Amendment rights, the right to bear arms.

During a news conference Tuesday, Reverend Mosteller said, "I am going to ask that every family avail themselves of their Second Amendment rights, which is their full amendment rights cuz I'm tired now."

Mosteller told reporters he is tired of talking and marching, of inaction at the local and federal level. He says police and the justice system have failed blacks in cities nationwide.

Reverend Mosteller stated, "We going to have to do something in our community to let the rest of America know that we are not going to be victimized by just anybody whether it be police or folks that decide that black people are thugs and we need to control that black community. We [are] not going to allow that anymore."

But when asked if he was suggesting blacks pack weapons the reverend insisted he was being misquoted saying, "Listen, listen I didn't say that. I said the Second Amendment right? I didn't say pack weapons, I said Second Amendment. Please don't put words in my mouth, please don't do that... Do you have to carry a weapon to avail yourself of the Second Amendment the answer is no, you don't have to okay?"

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SCLC calling on blacks to "Exercise Second Amendment Rights"

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