NRA endorsed Newhouse for congressional Fourth District

YAKIMA - Fourth Congressional District candidate Dan Newhouse received an endorsement from the National Rifle Association, citing his track record of protecting Second Amendment rights.

We are very pleased to receive this very important endorsement, Newhouse stated. The NRA is the preeminent leader in the fight to protect Second Amendment Rights. Their support demonstrates their belief that I am best qualified to represent central Washington and protect the right to keep and bear arms."

In their endorsement of Newhouse, NRA Chairman Chris W. Cox stated Newhouse has "consistently opposed all attempts to ban lawfully owned firearms and magazines" during his tenure in the Washington state legislature from 2003 to 2009.

"The Second Amendment and our right of self-defense are very important to Washingtonians, and your (Newhouse) position on these issues demonstrates a stalwart commitment to the rights of law-abiding gun owners and hunters," Cox stated.

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NRA endorsed Newhouse for congressional Fourth District

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