Letter: There’s a reason you see more Trump flags – HollandSentinel.com


In recent weeks polling results have shown that Joe Biden has a compelling lead over Donald Trump. Candidates on both sides, though, are quick to warn against taking early polling results too seriously. Bidens folks rightly warn against complacency.

Locally it appears Trump supporters are way ahead in terms of enthusiasm, camaraderie and visibility. I see red flags everywhere and they look impressive. Recently a friend found an interesting statistic. His internet search revealed red campaign flag and banner hits (Trump) at 716 million, compared to 75 million blue (Biden) hits, a 10-1 enthusiasm discrepancy.

Face it. Trump banners and flags look great flying from powerboats and pickup truck beds, sometimes accompanied by the defiant "Dont Tread On Me" flag. They implicitly speak of power, of domination, of freeing oneself of boundaries, regulations and legal constraints. They shout, "Second Amendment rights" and showcase the macho camaraderie available in boldly intimidating others with weapons of war. They broadcast the increasingly transparent "dog whistle" warnings issued by their leader to affluent neighborhood residents of the upward housing ambitions posed by the Black Lives Matter movement.

How can poor, grey-haired, blue flag Joe Biden compete with all that? What power boat owner wants to fly a blue flag that messages "civility" or "science-based policy" or "reconciliation" or "uncage children" or "foreign policy experience"? Such messaging, commendable as it may be, just doesnt have the Trumpian blood stirring pizzazz of those bright red displays. Where is the thrill for the unthinking?

Poor rational, compassionate, truth constrained, low-key, highly experienced, normally hued Joe Biden. Where is the flash, the empty promise, the subservience to foreign adversaries, the fake bravado, the bombast? Why would America want a president who actually has the qualifications for the job?

Richard Brouwer

Grand Haven

See the article here:

Letter: There's a reason you see more Trump flags - HollandSentinel.com

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