Defending the 2nd Amendment | The Herald-News – The Herald-News

Manuel Ramirez asks, How can a person travel from one state into another with a fully loaded assault rifle claim he was defending himself?

Ive a question or two for you, too, Manuel: How can you call an AR-15 an assault rifle when it is not one? Or do looks mean more to you than facts?

You say that the Second Amendment doesnt say anything about shooting your gun in the air or shooting your neighbor. Are you sure you want to go there? Nowhere in the Constitution does it even hint at abortion or homosexuality being protected.

You suggest that The government should raise the age limit to those individuals who insist on owning a weapon to, say, 35 years old. Interesting comment, when one realizes that those who argued the Constitution, and then wrote it and the Amendments, including the Second, had other opinions.

Richard Henry Lee, for instance: A militia, when properly formed, are in fact the people themselves and include all men capable of bearing arms. Back then, men would have included those equal in age to Kyle Rittenhouse.

How about Tench Coxe? Who are the militia? Are they not ourselves? He also said this: Congress have no power to disarm the militia. Their swords, and every other terrible implement of the soldier, are the birthright of an American.

I could go on all day with examples, but Id rather point out what you didnt: the police, whose job is to do precisely what Kyle was attempting to do (and more), were ordered to stand down by those in authority, which allowed free reign to rioters/looters/arsonists hiding behind our First Amendment right to peacefully protest. Had that not happened, both in Kenosha and other cities around the country, we would never have even heard of Kyle.

John Babush

Big Rock

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Defending the 2nd Amendment | The Herald-News - The Herald-News

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