Data security is the biggest worry in cloud computing – ITProPortal

Despite understanding the advantages that cloud computing brings to the business world, many are still fearful of the technology, a new report by argues.

The company polled 6,000 professionals from the UK, US, Germany, France, Italy and Spain to better understand the sentiment towards cloud solutions and concluded that the respondents mostly fear data leaks or unauthorised access to customers stored data.

It also claims that those working in non-tech sectors are most fearful: financial, insurance and healthcare sectors.

Overall, the financial sector is fairly pessimistic when it comes to cloud computing implementation, with the Italians and the Americans being most distrustful.

Those who work in hospitality are mostly in favour of cloud computing, which the reports authors see as good news for an industry which could stand to cut energy, hardware and operational costs through the cloud.

Receiving direct bookings from clients through cloud technology would mean cutting booking agency commission, and increasing profit margins for hotel owners, it argues.

Looking at the UK specifically, it was unveiled that the countrys tech and hospitality sectors are mostly concerned about the availability of cloud computing services. As no company can offer 100 per cent uptime, this represents a problem for businesses which could lose clients during maintenance.

Organisations are fearful of data breaches as they could result in significant losses, loss of business and customer trust, remediation costs and necessary upgrades, as well as penalties and fines by communications watchdogs and other government agencies.

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Data security is the biggest worry in cloud computing - ITProPortal

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