Cloud Computing in Industrial IoT Report 2020: The Impact of SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS Upon IIoT as Well as Cloud Computing Software, Platforms, and…

Dublin, Oct. 06, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The "Cloud Computing in Industrial IoT: Market for Cloud support of IIoT by Software, Platforms, Infrastructure (SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS) including Centralized Cloud Edge Computing for Devices and Objects 2020 - 2025" report has been added to's offering.

This research evaluates the technologies, players, and solutions relied upon for cloud computing in IIoT.

The report analyzes the impact of SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS upon IIoT as well as cloud computing software, platforms, and infrastructure in support of edge computing. The report also assesses market opportunities for cloud computing support of IIoT devices and the objects that will be monitored, actuated, and controlled through IoT enabled processes.

The report includes detailed forecasts for the global and regional outlook as well as by industry vertical, devices, and objects/things from 2020 to 2025.

Cloud computing is moving beyond the consumer and enterprise markets into support for manufacturing and industrial automation of other industry verticals. The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) represents a substantial opportunity for both the centralized cloud as a service model for software, platforms, and infrastructure as well as distributed computing wherein IIoT edge computing will enable the ICT industry to leverage real-time processing and analytics.

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Key Topics Covered:

1 Executive Summary

2 Overview2.1 Cloud Computing2.2 Cloud Computing Structure2.3 Traditional Industrial IoT Challenges2.4 Cloud Computing in Industrial IoT2.5 Consumer vs. Industrial Cloud Platforms2.6 Evolution of Fog Computing2.7 IIoT Cloud Computing Benefits2.8 Industrial Internet and IIoT

3 IIoT Cloud Computing Ecosystem3.1 IIoT Cloud Computing Services3.1.1 Infrastructure as a Service3.1.2 Platform as a Service3.1.3 Software as a Service3.2 Cloud Computing Deployment3.3 IIoT Cloud Computing Applications3.4 Cloud Manufacturing3.5 Software Defined IIoT and Industry 4.03.6 Smart Connected Enterprise and Workplace3.7 Cloud Technology in Robotics3.8 Artificial Intelligence and IIoT Solutions3.9 IIoT Cloud Computing Challenges3.10 IIoT Cloud Computing Pricing Models

4 Cloud Computing in IIoT Market Dynamics4.1 Drivers4.1.1 Increased Use of Cloud Computing Platforms4.1.2 Government-favourable policies towards initiatives and innovative efforts4.1.3 Optimization of operational efficiency and automation4.2 Challenges4.2.1 High initial cost4.2.2 Data Security and Privacy Breaches

5 Case Study: Cloud Computing in IIoT Market5.1 IoT Use cases of Kemppi5.2 Smarter Systems for Increasing Customer Productivity Case Study5.3 Caterpillar's NextGen Human-Machine Interface (HMI) software platform5.4 Creating Smarter heating and cooling systems with cloud5.5 Prototyping the Future Automotive Cloud5.6 Oil and Gas production Smart Case Study5.7 Rockwell Adapted Microsoft Azure Case Study5.8 Cloud-first digital transformation5.9 Eastman Case study for cloud migration5.10 Data Analytics Improves Transportation Equipment Utilization

6 Industrial IoT Cloud Computing Market6.1 Global Market Forecasts6.1.1 Combined Cloud IIoT Market 2020 - 20256.1.2 Market by Service Segment 2020 - 20256.1.3 Infrastructure Market 2020 - 20256.1.4 Software Market 2020 - 20256.1.5 Platform Solution Market 2020 - 20256.1.6 Market by Cloud Type 2020 - 20256.1.7 Private Cloud Computing Market by Deployment 2020 - 20256.1.8 Public Cloud Computing Market by Deployment 2020 - 20256.1.9 Hybrid Cloud Computing Market by Deployment 2020 - 20256.1.10 Market by Industry Vertical 2020 - 20256.1.11 Manufacturing Market by Sub-sector 2020 - 20256.1.12 Utilities Market by Sub-sector 2020 - 20256.2 Regional Market Forecasts

7 IIoT Cloud Connected Devices/Things Forecasts7.1 Connected Device Forecasts 2020 - 20257.1.1 Total Cloud Connected Devices 2020 - 20257.1.2 Cloud Connected Devices by Type 2020 - 20257.1.3 Cloud Connected Devices by Industry Vertical 2020 - 20257.1.4 Cloud Connected Devices by Region 2020 - 20257.2 Connected Things/ Objects Forecasts7.2.1 Total Cloud Connected Things/Objects 2020 - 20257.2.2 Cloud Connected Things/Objects by Industry Vertical 2020 - 20257.2.3 Cloud Connected Things/Objects by Region 2020 - 2025

8 Company Analysis8.1 Amazon Web Services (AWS) Inc.8.1.1 Company Overview8.1.2 Product and Solutions8.1.3 Recent Developments8.2 Cumulocity GmBH8.3 CISCO Systems Inc.8.4 SAP SE8.5 Ampla Soluciones SL8.6 General Electric (GE)8.7 AT&T Inc.8.8 Losant IoT Inc.8.9 Thethings.io8.10 XMPro8.11 Siemens AG8.12 Robert Bosch GmbH8.13 IBM Corporation8.14 Microsoft Corporation8.15 C3IoT8.16 Meshify8.17 Sierra Wireless Inc.8.18 Carriots8.19 Intel Corporation8.20 PTC8.21 Uptake Technologies Inc.8.22 TempolQ8.23 Honeywell International8.24 Enterox Systems8.25 Aware360 Ltd.8.26 XILINX Inc.8.27 Echelon Corporation8.28 Real Time Innovation (RTI)8.29 Fujitsu Ltd.8.30 Reali Technologies Ltd

9 Conclusions and Recommendations

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Cloud Computing in Industrial IoT Report 2020: The Impact of SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS Upon IIoT as Well as Cloud Computing Software, Platforms, and...

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