Social Network Helps Students Learn

Muskogee High School biology teacher Harland Warrior encourages certain social networking in his class.

There's no Tweeting or Facebook. Instead, he links with students through the academic social network My Big Campus. The online network enables students to communicate with the teacher and other students, as well as access teacher notes and subject-related videos at any time.

Warrior said it presents science and other subjects in a way students find familiar.

"We're playing their game now," Warrior said. "It's technology."

Warrior said he has used the My Big Campus network for about four weeks. He calls it his "communications hub."

"I have all my notes on Word or PowerPoint, so if you want to take my biology class at home, you can take it at home," he said.

Sophomore Bailee Hendrickson said she keeps up with class announcements on the network.

"It's so we can see what we're doing in class," Bailee said. "We can talk to each other through the network."

She said the teacher posts notes on the network's "wall."

"We'll go back and look at them and study," she said. "If you miss a day of school, you can look on it (the class wall)."

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Social Network Helps Students Learn

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