Stankov’s Universal Law Press The New General Theory of …

Kari M. Werth and Georgi Stankov, January 11, 2017 (11.1 portal)

Lightships January 2nd

Georgi, i saw a fleet of Lightships on January 2nd, even before I read the message you posted about First Contact. I have never in my life seen them like this or been able to clearly FEEL them all around me. Vegas was teeming with them that day. Also, it happened again Yesterday on January 10th. I will forward you one more email with yesterdays photos. These were taken right by my house and near my dog park.

I feel a LOT of anxiety in the air today (Jan 11th). Im trying to just breathe and let it go but it just feels so intense. I just wish it would all implode already, not sure how much more I can stand. Also, my apathy is at an all time high. I just cant seem to make myself care about hardly anything other than animals. I just ask myself, how can things continue on much longer without the bottom dropping out. It will be very interesting to see if anything happens before the Inauguration.



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Stewart Dougherty, December 30, 2016 January 7, 2017

Every single aspect of the fraudulent and criminal financial scheme of the banksters cabal to rob humanity, turn the people into paupers and enslave them under the NWO discussed in this extremely realistic, though officially fictional conversation has been extensively explained and analysed in numerous previous articles on finance and economy on this website. Therefore I assume that all my readers are well prepared to understand and appreciate this unique article.

It is important to stress one more time that none of the forecasts in this fictional report will manifest on this highest ascending timeline as before that we shall appear as ascended masters and prevent this worst case scenario which the dark ones plan since eons of time for the current End Time.

For me the most valuable aspect of this discussion is the conviction of the author that the cabal plan can only succeed if the people do not perceive it and continue living in lazy ignorance. Precisely this will be prevented by us, the new Logos Gods of Gaia, this year because we have perceived this heinous plan of the cabal long time ago. And what we know will be also made available to the masses very soon as this is the divine plan for this planet in which we as wayshowers for humanity play a key role. This is essentially the function of this website.




Stewart Dougherty

Some pretty heady stuff, particularly the part about the Feds balance sheet being a lie. (I am 100% convinced of this, but cannot prove it, at least not yet.) And remember, Bernanke was caught issuing $10 trillion in swaps to foreign banks, all of which was supposed to remain a complete secret. It is not as if they havent been caught doing what I am saying they are still doing, to an even larger degree.

Ive stated that the conversation is imagined, intuited and fictional, so the small living parts of the shredded Constitution might actually protect my freedom of speech; wouldnt that be amazing.

I believe government bail-ins is fresh terminology people hear about bank bail-ins all the time but they dont hear about government bail-ins, which are going to affect far more people and are inevitable. (As Ill explain in Part 2, government bail-ins are not going to be about taxes tax increases are too slow, and oftentimes dont even work.) Since its new, the term government bail-ins might gain a lot of attention.

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The PAT on the Cusp of Ascension

January, 9, 2017

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Triumph of the PAT, painted by Jodie Cowan, 2016, within the Infinity Portal White Rock in Washington, USA

Dear Jodie,

I just showed the painting to Carla and we both find it strikingly beautiful and impressive. It expresses very well what is currently happening energetically with us and Gaia. Carla believes to have recognized some codes and they look very much like the ones I used to dream about a lot in the past. Congratulations!

With love and light



Hello Georgi,

I guess the painting could be called Triumph of the PAT, Im open to any suggestions.

It shows the PAT in their light bodies and their personal fields connecting to the golden grid of Gaia, guiding her through the portal / central sun. Light codes and the Violet Flame of Purification. Using torsion fields, the PAT ascends with Gaia. And the blue light body on top, victory is ours.

It is a mess here right now, the heavy snow has broken trees all over the property, and on the house, broken a skylight and put a small hole in the roof. We are so fortunate that so many other trees came down all around us and not onto any out buildings. Now we have to wait for 3 feet of snow to melt to start cleaning the mess.

My face is burnt from the intensity of everything; it has been SO SO evident, amazing actually, these past couple of weeks the many timelines Ive become consciously aware of. And my DREAMS! Theyve always been as much a part of my life as the waking dream, but lets just say, those other mes are meeting me and were becoming more acquainted More on this later.

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Polina Korneeva and Georgi Stankov, January 5, 2016

Yesterday I received the following set of questions from Polina from Russia that deal exactly with what we experience these days the gradual and impulsive adaptation of our minds to higher awareness through constant raising of our frequencies to the natural multidimensional experience of all sentient beings in the higher realms:

Dear Georgi,

All timelines exist simultaneously, correct? But how do they exist in this simultaneity? Do they overlap/lie on top of each other? Or are they like different frequencies/waves, and not like space at all hence the word overlap is inappropriate here? How can ones mind visualise 2, 3 or more separate timelines and is it possible to visualise them in terms of spatial relationships?

And then, how do all these separate timelines exist within one single entity that births them? Or are they the entity themselves, hence theres no real separation between them? But then, there must be some kind of separation right? since were able to differentiate between different systems/people/processes/give things names. How does this process of division manifest itself and how does this entire system maintain all its different parts (timelines or individual events)? How is it able to hold all of them together and navigate them in an orderly fashion, so that they dont collide and wreak havoc? And Im talking about the bigger scheme of things that already precludes the existence of destructions on Earth as a part of a bigger design. I think a part of my question might be also related to Schrdingers paradox (but I might be wrong).

These are very difficult questions indeed and in the core of any expanded awareness. I cannot give you precise answer and you should try to find your own explanation as well as you can. George

The reason why I am unable to give Polina the right answers lies in the limitations of human language. The way it is constructed, language is a medium of sequential communication of information. It cannot relate simultaneous events and experiences. This has to do with grammar, syntax and semantics of the words used. In fact language is the most profound trap that sustains the illusion of linear time in this 3D holographic reality. I have tackled this issue theoretically at the end of my gnostic book Thoughts.

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by Georgi Stankov, first published on October 31, 2014

This article was written as sequels throughout October 2014 in response to the obvious intellectual and spiritual collapse of the New Age movement since the opening of the 12.21.12 portal of ascension by the PAT that is now coming to completion four years later in 2017. I republish this pivotal overview because of its even greater actuality on the eve of the final ID shift this year.


This is a requiem of the old New Age and a Manifesto of the New Age of the Universal Law of Ascension.

Here are ten major reasons why the Western, predominantly American New Age movement has intellectuallyand morally declared a total bankruptcy and why these people have no chance to ascend in the coming days. To this conclusion I would like to refresh your memory and ask you to read one more time this message from the ascended masters, which I published a month and a half ago: The Day of Days.

And here are the ten intellectual blunders of the New Age Movement leading to this tragic and historically most dramatic failure of the vast majority of star seeds that came from various civilizations and star systems in this omniverse to first comprehend this illusory 3D reality and then awaken and help Gaia and humanity to ascend to 4D and 5D in the current End Time:

1) Why the National State is the Primary Cause of Most Evil on Earth

All light workers, except this author, failed to make a proper analysis of the current Orion order and discard all its forms of social life and individual manifestations. In particular, the New Age failed to explain why the national state is the most insidious form of Orion organisation of any sentient civilization that is the primary cause of all wars, civil unrest, exploitation, poverty, slavery, international blackmailing, trafficking, prostitution, narcotics trade, Mafia structures etc.

At the same time all light workers failed to create a new utopia for humanity and envision how this civilization will live in higher dimensions by observing true spiritual principles. In short, they did not realize the creationary potential of human thoughts and how they shape this and any other reality. Ultimately, they succumbed to the Orion interpretation of life as an entirely biological species, subjugated to a very slow, painful and highly random evolution and thus betrayed their original soul mission.

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Patrick Amoroso, January 2, 2017

Patricks excellent essay is a total rejection of the karmic heritage of the United States of Atrocitiesas a centuries-driven crime in progress since its colonial inception with a karmic debt (that) is so overwhelming from a universal perspective compared to any nation in the annals of history in such a short period of time and a passionate plea for its imminent abolition as a state in the coming final ID shift. Itreduces all patriotic tirades in the alt-media (e.g. Alex Jones) to anti-intellectual, amoral rubbish.


When one ponders the history of the country that claims the title of the United States of America, you might begin to contemplate whether there is meaning in such an identification and what if any commonality in terms of culture can adequately define Americans as a united people. We are primarily the third generation progeny of white Anglo-Saxon and European persecuted immigrants who were driven from a continent drenched in a thousand years of political and ecclesiastical blood-soaked warfare. Our ancestral origins are feudal, an era when a caste system of nobility and church-centered hierarchical usury were the social paradigm of a time epoch approximately encompassing a thousand years in duration. Our ancestors who became the inheritors of the American experience would have their earth-aligned and tribal cultures ransacked by a first century imperial power only to be followed with their cultural marginalization by an ecclesiastical and state-sanctioned church hierarchy professing blessings in another world. This necessitated the abandonment of established cultural inheritances reared in a spirit of spiritual diversity, ancestral reverence and folklore which had formerly been bestowed upon their minds for a vast period of time.

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Susanne Lie, January 1, 2016


Georgi Stankov

I have decided to publish this message from Sue because it confirms prospectively what the Hyperboreans(the creators of Inner Earth Agartha) from the 7th 9th dimension told us when we met with them at the Infinity Portal in White Rock on December 21, 2016 during the opening of this massive ascension portal as reported by myself and then confirmed a day later to Carla in their channelledlecture on the learning universe and function of the blue light:

The light warriors of the first and the last hour have been given clearance to establish conscious multidimensional contact with other higher dimensional beings and civilisations in 2017.

This is what Sharman, the Arcturian entity from the spaceship, has just confirmed to Sue while giving us some valuable information how to prepare for First Contact:

If you wonder why we are giving you this information, it is because we are preparing you for your contact with Light beings. Many of you have gained clearance for this honor by giving service to others, even at the expense of your own self.


Dear Ones, I Sharman, an honored to speak with you again. It has been quite a bit of your time since my last transmission, but we, the members of our Ship, have been very busy with projects that we cannot, yet, share with you.

However, because the ever-expanding fifth dimensional energy fields are increasingly entering Gaia atmosphere, which is Her aura, as well as the auras of all of Gaias inhabitants, humanity is being confronted with many choices.

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Georgi Stankov, December 29, 2016

We live in a serendipitous time of amazing synchronicities. After I wrote my article A Few Frank and Unpleasant Observations I had a lengthy discussion with Carla as to why and how the minds of the scientists and the small community of enlightened people were shut down in the last two to three decades simultaneously with the march of modern electronics that deprived them of any independent, critical thinking and disabled them to develop a true understanding and appreciation of the revolutionary character of the new theory of the Universal Law. This is an old theme for me since the time when I discovered the Universal Law in 1994, but recently I gained some startling insights as to the cause of this devolution of the human mind in the End Time that I would like to share with you here. The next day Patrick sent me inadvertently his essay on the electronic era and its impact on human intelligence and behaviour which is a valuable contribution to this same topic. I am publishing his essay below as a testimony that highlights this same issue from a different angle.

Then I read yesterday an article which confirms one more time the creeping enslavement of humanity in daily life which I shall quote below. And finally today Leesa from Australia sent me another article which also deals with this same issue. If I have had any doubts as to the relevance of this expose, then my HS showed me that I have no chance but to write down the ideas with which I am pregnant since long time. This may be a challenging thesis for you as it will divest you from some unduly euphemistic ideas as to the always benevolent intentions of our souls of all incarnated souls on the earth. It will be about the dialectics of human evolution through devolution of the human ego-mind as never understood in this clarity before.

All those older members of the PAT, such as Patrick below, who still remember the times before the electronic era began, have a good baseline memory as to how humans behaved and thought before the PCs came and the Internet connected humanity. When I began with the propagation of the new theory of the Universal Law in the 90s, the Internet was in its infancy and most scientists used their PCs as a better typing machine. When I developed the theory between 1993 1995 I had to use specialized data banks for my research as Internet did not really exist and had no scientific data stored. I was a rare exception to write down my book directly on a PC. Many scientists and most writers used at that time still a pencil and a sheet of paper or a typing machine to put down their ideas.

In the 90s, I could still find a few older scientists who were well aware of the deficiencies of physics and all natural sciences and were capable of recognizing the revolutionary character of the new theory of the Universal Law. After 2000 I have not met a single scientist capable of that. The reason is that, with the invasion of the Internet and all kinds of electronic gadgets, most humans lost their human nature, which is natural curiosity, and the propensity of independent abstract thinking.

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