Leftwing Press attempts to smear WI Gov. Scott Walker over ties to libertarians

Received major contributions from 1980 Libertarian VP candidate David Koch

From Eric Dondero:

And so it begins...

A prominent leftwing publication has revealed that Wisconsin's Republican Governor was backed by the the Kochs, and has ties to Cato, Reason, and CEI.

From Mother Jones, "Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker: Funded by the Koch Bros":

Wisconsin Republican Governor Scott Walker, whose bill to kill collective bargaining rights for public-sector unions has caused an uproar among state employees, might not be where he is today without the Koch brothers. Charles and David Koch are conservative titans of industry who have infamously used their vast wealth to undermine President Obama and fight legislation they detest, such as the cap-and-trade climate bill, the health care reform act, and the economic stimulus package.

According to Wisconsin campaign finance filings, Walker's gubernatorial campaign received $43,000 from the Koch Industries PAC during the 2010 election. That donation was his campaign's second-highest, behind $43,125 in contributions from housing and realtor groups in Wisconsin. The Koch's PAC also helped Walker via a familiar and much-used politicial maneuver designed to allow donors to skirt campaign finance limits. The PAC gave $1 million to the Republican Governors Association, which in turn spent $65,000 on independent expenditures to support Walker.

Walker's plan to eviscerate collective bargaining rights for public employees is right out of the Koch brothers' playbook. Koch-backed groups like Americans for Prosperity, the Cato Institute, the Competitive Enterprise Institute, and the Reason Foundation have long taken a very antagonistic view toward public-sector unions.

Note - David Koch was the 1980 Libertarian Party Vice-Presidential candidate.

Interestingly, the article does not mention the Republican Liberty Caucus, or this website. Libertarian Republican was an early and enthusiastic backer of Walker.

See LR article from June 9, 2009 "Wisconsin Gov. Jim Doyle in big trouble: Polls post tax and spend increase find him way behind both GOP challengers"

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