Maguire: How I will Vote on Wishard This Tuesday

By Timothy Maguire, Libertarian Party of Marion County Chairman

Does Wishard need a new hospital? Is their old one deteriorating? Can Indianapolis survive if Wishard fades away? Will this new referendum increase my taxes?

All good questions. But Libertarians have good cause to mistrust the government’s claims: Its’s needed now, and it won’t cost you anything. Remember the library? The last couple of stadiums built? Bailouts?

I would urge everyone to tell the government “STOP!” this Tuesday, and let’s look at more solutions before we give approval to this new hospital, a building that we haven’t been told how it WILL be paid for.

Wishard’s side of this arguement has been circulated far and wide by the media and the marketing efforts of Wishard themselves. (They’re putting a lot of effort behind it, and they have a lot of money to gain from this referendum).

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