Can you share a few slides?

Pap slide submissions are needed for the CAP Interlaboratory Comparison Program in Gynecologic Cytology. All submitted slides are subject to rigorous review by three cytopathologists, and the College pays up to $20 per accepted slide.

Slides not accepted into the program can be returned if requested, and accepted slides can be tracked and returned should the need arise.

All submitted slides must meet these standards:

  • All LSIL, HSIL, and carcinoma cases must have tissue confirmation of the reference interpretation. Per CMS requirement, please write the biopsy diagnosis on the donor sheet or send an anonymized copy of the biopsy report.
  • Each submitted case should be accompanied by appropriate clinical information for the patient (for example, age, LMP, prior hysterectomy).
  • Materials submitted must be free of patient identifiers.
  • ThinPrep Imager slides should be stained specifically for use with ThinPrep Imager.

Not acceptable are broken, cracked, chipped, or repaired slides; slides with air bubbles or with plastic or liquid coverslips; slides showing fading, drying (particularly around the periphery), or intense orangeophilia; slides more than seven years old; and cases interpreted as moderate dysplasia, ASC-US, ASC-H, or AGC.

Contact Larry Flennoy (847-832-7275, for more information or to have a submission sheet and slide shipping materials mailed to you. Or, find submission sheets at, Cytopathology Topic Center page.



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