What Progressives and Libertarians have cost America – Gilmer Mirror

What Progressives and Libertarians have cost America

In the late 1960s and early 1970s the Progressive Left and the Libertarians cost America its first loss in war, when our nation withdrew from Vietnam. The US had not lost a single battle in Vietnam, while it worked to defeat communism in only southern Vietnam. We didnt do the one thing that could have won the war, invaded North Vietnam. And we battled not only the Vietnamese communists, but the Chinese and the Russians.

So we lost a war, Soviet aggression spread through southeast Asia, Central America, the Middle East, and in Africa. The Domino Theory which American Progressives and Libertarians denied was on display for the entire world to see. This was the beginning of the cost of the Libertarian Left. and the cost in American lives was 58,220 military fatalities.

Terrible. But nothing compared to the War on Drugs in America.

Today, more than 70,000 Americansdie each yearof over dose. The Progressives, and the Libertarians endorse human behavior that leads to disaster.

Then there is the cost in life through abortion. More thanfifty million Americans dead

The moral decay in America can be laid at the feet of the Progressives and Libertarians who have placed a new religion on America, secular humanism. In this religionchoice without responsibilityis the hallmark.

Childbirth out of wedlock has risen from 8 percent in 1965 to 40 percent today.

Mental illness and suicide are soaring. Perversion has been normalized by Courts, despite overwhelming evidence (referendum after referendum) that the majority of Americans did not accept it.

And the downright meanness of the Left knows no bounds.

Diversity has not brought harmony and peace, but rather discord, chaos, and stalemate.

There are clearly two standards in America, and it is on parade every day. President Trump is under endless investigation for trumped up charges that have proven to be totally groundless, while the Democrats are obstructing the governing of the United Statesand sons of elected officials are earning big money because of who they are related too.

What have the Progressives and Libertarians cost America? Look around.

We are seeing the very fabric of this nation tested as it has never been tested before. It is time for citizens, mothers and fathers, to become teachers of their children. It is time to go back to basics. It is time to return to the Bible, and to Church. It is time to return to the Constitution, and the history of this nations founding.

America can be an even greater nation in the twenty first century. All of the advances in technology, in distribution of wealth, in lifting so many people into a life where real choices can be made. America can be the City on the Hill if we return to original national character and virtues. The Founders did not create an empire, or a Super Power. There was no aspiration to run the world. Our nation was constructed on the worth and potential of the individual, and the strength of the family and local communities. It is time to reclaim that legacy.

The answers are in the Bible, and we should call on God and ask Him for the Holy Spirit to walk among us.

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What Progressives and Libertarians have cost America - Gilmer Mirror

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