Thies on Keynes at – Economics of Space Aliens

From Eric Dondero:

Our Senior Editor Clifford F. Thies, who happens to be a distinguished professor of economics at Shenandoah Univ. in Virginia, has an article up at the Ludwig von Mises Institute website - on "Keynes and Space Aliens." Here's a couple paragraph excerpt:

According to Keynesian economists, the only thing that got us out of the Great Depression was World War II. Mind you, this admits that, in spite of FDR and the New Deal, the country remained mired in depressed conditions for 12 years, from 1929 to 1941. But, then, kicking somebody under the bus is what Keynesians have to do because of the incessant failures of their policies.

Then came the blessed war, with all its make-work projects, like producing tanks and warships and warplanes, that thankfully destroyed and were destroyed by enemy tanks and warships and warplanes. And, there were plenty of jobs for everybody, from serving in the US armed forces to working in munitions factories.

Please read the entire article at

Editor's comment - Yes, we know. That's a Lew Rockwell site. The ole' cliche' applies - Politics makes for strange bedfellows.

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