The Libertarian Ann Experience – Show #35 – Video

The Libertarian Ann Experience - Show #35
RANDOM SHOW Ron Paul Girl Radio - every night @ 12:00 AM CST Libertarian Ann Live Saving the world one sheeple at a time... No agenda, No financial backers, No ties to anyone, No commercials, No rules, Serious Free Speech coming at ya every night, via a white chick from Texas... lol. Just searching for the truth... not a demagogue host! We focus on everything, but specialize in analyzing ht psychology behind everything the people do, childhood development and future of libertarian movement, anarchist ideas, discuss PTSD from rape and other traumas, and exposing the adoption industry for its corruption and resemblance to the government, revisionist history and more. Theology and Psychology major, turned activist. Sometimes silly, sometimes serious. Frequent guests are Carol Paul, Richard Gilbert, Mr. Politics, Jordan Page, stefan Molyneux, and many more. Thanks, (Libertarian Ann, RonPaulGirl, Brooke Bida) Join us at Call in! http and 37 other websites. The answer to how to save yourself, will never be found anywhere but within you. It #39;s all there, just covered with piles of shit via public schooling. I #39;m hear to search for the truth, regardless where it leads me. It #39;s also a comedy show and a whatever I want it to be show.... so no expectations please. NOTHING is taboo, we are adults now. Screw the government! Join us in the Love REvolution! Peace.

By: LibertarianAnn

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The Libertarian Ann Experience - Show #35 - Video

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