The Big Wave hits Hawaii: Djou may win reelection

From Eric Dondero:

He was supposed to be a place-holder for just a few months. His election was called a fluke. Now he's in a virtual tie for reelection with his Democrat opponent in Hawaii's more liberal-leaning district which includes Honolulu.

From the Washington Times "GOP lawmaker may hold onto Hawaii seat" Oct. 10:

In a Public Policy Poll commissioned by the liberal website Daily Kos released this week, Mr. Djou drew 47 percent versus 48 percent for Mrs. Hanabusa, whose website currently features prominently the endorsement she received last week from Mr. Obama. The poll showed 5 percent undecided and a margin of error of nearly 4 percentage points.

"It's definitely problematic 28 days out for the Democrats in a state where they're supposed to have a pretty strong hold," Dylan Nonaka of the Hawaii Republican Party told Honolulu television station KHON on Tuesday.

The Rothenberg Political Report in an analysis of the race late last month warned Democrats against overconfidence.

"There is little evidence that voters are willing to throw Djou out of office after only a couple months on the job," the nonpartisan political publication noted. "… This race is not over, and Djou may even have the advantage."

Djou is a Chinese-American, and founding member of the Chinese Republican Association. We wrote here at LR of his candidacy back in Feb. 2009"A GOP pick-up in Hawaii? Chinese-American seeks Congressional seat":

Djou's agenda is simple: keeping taxes low to spur economic growth and greater job opportunities. From Djou's campaign website:

Charles believes that every resident of Hawai‘i who is looking for a job should be able to find one. Charles has always made it a priority to lower taxes because reducing the tax burden allows you to keep more of your money for your family, to grow your business and to buy goods and services, which in turn fosters small business and job growth in our community. That is why Charles has never voted for a tax increase. You are a better steward of your money and can do more for the economy than the government. Charles will continue this long standing fight in Washington.

On defense matters, Djou is an advocate of a strong military, and backer of Hawaii's numerous military bases. Further, he "understands that we must combat terrorism wherever it is found, whether in Iran, the Pakistan-Afghanistan border regions or in industrialized cities around the world."

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