Romney to roll out Fed Guv cutting plan today; gave some hints last night in NH

"Slaughter the sacred cows" of NEA, PBS, NPR and Planned Parenthood

From Eric Dondero:

Mitt Romney is singing music to libertarian ears. A few high agenda items on the cut first agenda for libertarians, have been adopted by the former Massachusetts Governor.

He told USAToday:

"Washington is full of sacred cows that supposedly can't be slaughtered and electrified third rails that allegedly can't be touched..."

NewsMax (Romney Pitches Deep Arts Cuts, Ending Programs to Tame Debt) has further details of his large spending reduction plan to be unveiled later today. He will be speaking to the Koch-backed libertarian group Americans For Prosperity.

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney proposed deep cuts in federal subsidies for public broadcasting and the arts and limiting government spending to only “essential” programs in a debt-reduction plan he said would pull the nation from a fiscal precipice.

The former Massachusetts governor said the program he outlined today would whittle down the rate of federal spending and slash $500 billion from the budget by 2016, the end of his first term if he is elected next year.

The more formal address on spending and debt will be delivered Friday at an event sponsored by Americans for Prosperity, a tea party-aligned fiscally conservative group.

Editor's note - Ending Federally-subsidized leftist biased Pro-Islamist/soft on terrorism PBS, NEA and NPR is of the highest priorities for this particular website. The Romney campaign should be applauded.

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