ReMix of Jon David’s Tea Party anthem – American Heart

“This should be our campaign theme song for 2010” - Andrew Breitbart

You've seen Jon David perform at the major Tea Party rallies, including Washington, DC and opening up for Sarah Palin in Nashville. Now, a new, updated version of Jon David's Monster Tea Party hit "American Heart" has just been released.

David is a diehard "Breitbartian" and writes a regular column for Bretibart's libertarian site

From Jon's site:

It’s no secret that the majority of folks in the entertainment industry lean left. What is less well known is that Artists who don’t are often met with such contempt that their very livelihoods are threatened.

The industry responsible for setting the cultural tone in America, which keeps itself warm under the expansive blanket of free speech, has no issue attempting to silence the conservative voice within its ranks.

Hear the new Re-mix now at Jon's website

You can also buy the song, and help a Soldier at the same time.

Editor's Note - Jon's song is the theme song for our occasional blog talk radio show "Libertarian Politics Live."

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