Rand Paul: The perfect exemplar of Christian and Libertarian

Not alienating religious conservatives key to success

The Spiritual Libertarian which covers libertarian news from a Christian perspective editorialized on Rand Paul's recent win, "Rand Paul and Libertarian Success":

Rand Paul's winning the Republican nomination for Senator from Kentucky with 59% of Republican primary voters, and now leading in the general election polls, gives the libertarian movement new hope. But much more importantly, it gives libertarians a template for success.

The crucial mistake Rand Paul did not make, which most libertarian candidates consistently make to sabotage themselves, is demonize the Republican Party and alienate all the many thousands of voters who have historically voted for Republican candidates. In this respect, Rand Paul was smarter than most libertarians.

Here is the principle: libertarians cannot win elections, or even broadly influence people via the election process, if they are seen as anti- all Republicans. Voters who have historically supported Republicans will tune out and dismiss libertarians who voice blanket condemnations of the party which in the past has felt like home to them.

More information at ChristianLibertarians.com

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