Obama undeterred from Golf outing by the Crotch Bomber

by Ron Hart

Another Muslim extremist, finding it hard to pick up chicks here on earth, tried his best to win the 72 virgins promised him by his religion by attempting to blow up a Detroit-bound plane. Obama was playing golf in Hawaii. For the first time in any 48-hour period since taking office, he did not appear on TV.

The heroic passengers on the plane took care of this guy, because our PC government did not. Besides, anyone willing to go to Detroit is certainly not scared of some idiot fumbling with explosives in his pants. It is as if they said, Nigerian Please!

Obama has a weak cabinet. It's almost like he got it at IKEA and assembled it himself. The Secretary of Homeland Security should be a job for a hard-nosed, ex-police chief with a nervous tick. Instead, Obama went with Janet Napolitano, a politically correct former lawyer for Anita Hill. She is a leftie Obama-nite who dresses like a small-town lesbian and calls terrorism a "man-caused disaster" — which is a better description of the Obama cabinet.

Rest assured, the "mainstream" media give you both sides of the story — Obama's and Janet Napolitano's. They came out and said, "The system worked" after the crotch bomber managed to smuggle explosives onto the plane but was too dumb to set them off. How is this not a Bush/Katrina-like "You're doing a heckuva job, Brownie" moment?

I'm not some neo-con. Long ago I called for us to withdraw and just protect our borders. I do believe in a strong national defense, preferably run by someone like Dick Cheney who is mean and has that scary, faraway look in his eyes, like someone who is replaying a water-boarding interrogation in his mind. It really sends a message to our enemies when he shoots his hunting buddy in the face. I am just redneck enough to like that.

Even al-Qaida is recruiting women. Realizing that their Islamic men would have to drive them to the airport to suicide bomb a plane, they would not want 72 virgins — just one man who likes to cuddle and might actually pick up after himself.

The Obama administration is too afraid of offending any other nationality to protect us. The crotch bomber will probably get a big show trial in New York City, with Alec Baldwin and Neal Patrick Harris hosting from the red carpet. Trials where we offer terrorists their own soapboxes will be big business. I suggest that Atlanta bid for the Sheik Ali Tupac trial.

Despite its ineptitudes, the government continues to grow. The government agencies did not even communicate with each other when they had specific information. Kudos to Hillary Clinton who obtained the information from the Nigerian's father and turned it over to authorities. Lord knows Hillary is experienced with a man whose crotch could explode at inopportune times.

The TSA is too busy confiscating my bottled water to fret about a man on the terrorist who paid for his one-way ticket with cash and had no luggage. Maybe a study funded by airport concession operators determined that my $1 bottle of water purchased outside the airport is more likely to cause trouble on the plane than the $6 bottle of water they sell once I am in the concourse.

What lies at the core of the liberals' thought process is the notion that, aside from knowing what is best for poor people, they consider themselves more open minded and smarter than anyone else. Day in and day out they endeavor to prove this to anyone willing to listen who can vote, all the while putting our country at risk by imposing their self-aggrandizing, "Kumbaya" world view on us. When they test it on other countries, they call it foreign policy.

Sadly, our government, founded on liberty and tasked with "providing for the common defense," is being slowly taken down by deluded notions of political correctness while bestowing rights on our sworn enemies. It sacrifices common sense - and our safety - in doing so.

Ron Hart is a southern libertarian columnist. Contact him at RevRon10@aol.com.

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