Muslim Gang assaults Swedish Cartooonist Lars Vilk at University Forum

From Eric Dondero:

Dramatic video out of Sweden. A group of Muslim protesters attacked Swedish Cartoonist Lars Vilk after a showing of his controversial short film which depicted a naked Muhammed. Swedish police can be seen defending Vilk from the attacks, while Muslim students push forward to get at Vilks. Shouts of "Allahu-Ahkbar" can be heard in the background.

From Dagens Nyheter (via Gates of Vienna)

On Tuesday a man attacked the artist Lars Vilks in connection with a seminar on art at Uppsala University.

The atmosphere was calm at the beginning, Uppsala Nya Tidning reports. When Vilks showed a movie with sexual content the atmosphere became tense.

“The man in the first row suddenly rushed towards me. He gave me a “Danish,” [dansk skalle, hitting someone on the head using your own head] and I hit the wall and dropped my glasses,” Vilks says to TT.

The Uppsala Nya Tidning photographer, who was on the scene, describes the situation as extremely tense.

According to Vilks the man belonged to a group that tried to disturb the seminar. Vilks was taken to safety after the assault.

“I’m not injured, just a bit bruised.”

The seminar was broadcast by Uppsala Nya Tidning on the net.

The group that the man belongs consists of Muslims, says Vilks.

ABC Newsnet added:

A spokesman for Uppsala police said about 20 people tried to attack Mr Vilks after interrupting his lecture, adding that the police had to intervene to stop them. Two people were detained.

As Creeping Sharia reports, Vilks is know for having depicted Muhammed head on the body of a dog in a cartoon in 2007, and was also the target of an assasination plot from American Muslim "Jihad Jane."

Editor's Note - The Editors of Gates of Vienna blog are self-described "libertarians." (H/t Memeo)

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