Libertarian Media blackout on Tuesday’s Republican victories

by Eric Dondero

I could have never predicted this. Sure, you'd think they'd downplay Bob Turner and Mark Amodei's wins in New York and Nevada. But to completely ignore the biggest political story of the week?

A look at Reason, arguably the top libertarian site, shows the following headlines this morning:

Bachmann's Vaccine Panic

India's Mangled School Reforms

Use the Tiny Tiles—And Other Tales from the Stimulus

Okay, the Bachmann story. Understandably reportable. But School Reform in India?

Bob Turner, a Republican, won a seat in a district that was 5 to 1 Democrat over Republican registration. The seat had not been held by a Republican since 1923!

And the top libertarian website chooses to report on India education instead?

There are 12 headline stories at Not a one of them is about the elections in New York and Nevada. And nothing at the Rockwell blog either.

Daily Paul? They're pumping up Radical Islamists, as usual: "Bombshell: Saudi Arabia threatens to cut ties with US over Palestine UN Veto."

The official Libertarian Party site The sound of silence on NY and NV.

Nothing but policy issues on the front page of But don't get the idea that they totally avoid politics. Au contraire. Dave Boaz has an article at the blog "Is It Too Late for Another Candidate?" Apparently, it's more important to Boaz to get all-dreamy about another possible GOP prez nominee rather than report on this huge election news.

20 headline articles at Not a one of them on the Turner and Amodei victories.

The Humble (so-called) Libertarian, similarly, not a word about the elections.

Radley Balko's much-lauded The Agitator has zero coverage of Turner and Amodei.

There is one single libertarian website covering the story: Rational Review, edited by anarch-libertarian Thomas L. Knapp.

Bob Turner's win in New York was historic. Mark Amodei's victory in Nevada portends nothing but bad signs for 2012 for the Democrat Party in that critical swing state.

You'd think a movement that promotes itself as "pro-liberty" would have at least something to say about these two incredibly historic victories for the freedom side.

One can only conclude, that a pro-defense, pro-Israel Republican winning in New York, and a Tea Party conservative winning in Harry Reid's backyard, doesn't quite fit their template. What else could explain this nearly-complete libertarian media blackout of the biggest political story of the week, and perhaps the entire year?

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