Kasich chooses a running mate for Ohio Gov’s race

State Auditor Mary Taylor: "Get the government out of the way"

From Eric Dondero:

Former Congressman, and Republican nominee for Governor of Ohio John Kasich twittered the following announcement on Thursday:

Please join me in welcoming Mary Taylor as OH's next LG. We are committed to working to bring jobs and prosperity back to our state.
10:36 AM Jan 14th from web

She is currently State Auditor, and like Kasich is known for staunch fiscal conservatism, and dedication to budget retstraints. She refers to herself as Ohio's "Government Watchdog."

During the announcement press conference (YouTube video) Taylor said:

"Ohioans are correct to ask, does government spend my tax dollars responsibly... despite my repeated warnings about a looming multi-billion dollar budget hole, and the dangers of over-relying on one-time state and federal stimulus money, I've been ignored. I've tried to help. I've offered solutions. But our Governor is a hard guy to help.

John Kasich and I believe, that government should only do that with which they are unable to do for themselves. We know that if government gets out of our way, businesses will create jobs here in Ohio and we will prosper."

Kasich still backs abolishing state income tax, open to legalized gambling

Of particular interest to libertarians, candidate Kasich went on record on two other fronts in a recent interview with the Columbus Dispatch. Kevin Holtsberry of Ohio Politics On-line reports:

In a move that will probably cheer the libertarians, and others who back gambling expansion, it seems Kasich is open to that idea as well:

Kasich said he was not backing away from his plan to phase out the state income tax...

Kasich said that, as governor, he would examine an expansion of legalized gambling from the viewpoint of whether it makes sense for the state.

“I’m not ideologically opposed to gambling,” the former Westerville congressman said. “I haven’t made up my mind on it, but I’m not going to say we’re not going to do it and pound my fist on the table. We’ll have to see, and that doesn’t mean we are going to do it. We’ll have to take a really hard look at it.”


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