Help maintain LPIN ballot access

You need a third choice on your ballot now more than ever!

The LPIN needs 2% of the vote in the 2010 Secretary of State race in order to continue having ballot access for the next four years. By achieving over 10% in this race, the Libertarian Party of Indiana will have the ability to hold a primary and effectively register voters!

What does ballot access mean for libertarians and the voting public? In the 2008 Presidential election, our candidate for President, Bob Barr, received over 29,000 votes. Barr was automatically placed on the ballot.

Ralph Nader was also a candidate in Indiana, but voters needed to write his name in. Nader received only 909 votes in Indiana. Constitution Party candidate Chuck Baldwin received 1,024.

So please tell all of your friend to pull the L lever on election day for our Secretary of State Candidate!

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