GOP Presidential candidates attend libertarian-sponsored event in New Hampshire: Bachmann, Cain impress as most libertarian

From Eric Dondero:

Americans For Prosperity, held a candidates forum in New Hampshire yesterday. IN an article by the very liberal Boston Globe - "Romney stands by Bay State health law; At N.H. forum, calls for repeal of national overhaul" - the group is described as "funded in part by billionaire David Koch, a libertarian-leaning philanthropist and industrialist."

In attendence: Romney, Pawlenty, Rick Santorum, Herman Cain and Michele Bachmann.

From the description provided by, Cain and Bachman stand out as most libertarian-leaning.

Cain - Privatize Social Security, Abolish Gov. programs

When asked what he would do to fix major flaws in Social Security, Cain noted that the model created by the Chilean government, (ie privatization), would work here in the US with the right leadership. He referenced his book, “Common Sense Solutions” and said that is it time for Americans to read past the statement of “life liberty and the pursuit of happiness” and to begin using our right to “alter and abolish” government programs that have become destructive. Cain said that he would use his own developed business practices, coming from his experience bringing back failed companies, slashing 10% in cuts across the board, and cutting out government programs that are overlapping, doubled up, or ineffective.

Bachmann - Cut 25% in Spending, No Bail Outs, Auction off Freddie and Fannie

Bachmann asked the audience and those watching to dream of a land where the government would undertake the following steps. Cut 25% of federal discretionary spending and cancel the distribution and use of outstanding funds from Obama’s failed stimulus program. Then they would return the TARP funds and reinstate the Welfare Reform Act created in the mid 1990?s. A balanced budget would be proposed and passed within the year, with no increased spending beyond population growth plus inflation. The government would refuse to bail-out public pension plans... Her government would then auction FreddieMac and FannieMae for a “minimum bid of 50cents”... this new government would end mortgage subsidies, and sell the governments shares in AIG, Bank of America, and GM, all industries “bailed out” by the previous administrations. It would also legalize private student lending.

[It] would repeal Obamacare and allow anyone to purchase any health insurance policy they want, in any state, with no minimum coverage mandate, and their money used to purchase that insurance would be tax free.

Her tax program would cut business tax to 9%, making it the lowest in the world, with 0% capital gains tax and 0% death tax. She would limit the personal income tax to 20%.

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