Delaware now has a "Pete duPont Republican" for Congress

Obama on the Economy "a disaster"

From Eric Dondero:

With Republican Michael Castle - great grandson of Benjamin Franklin - now headed for the Senate, there's an open election for his House seat.

Enter Michele Rollins of the famous Delaware Rollins family. Rollins won the Party's endorsement last weekend at the Delaware Republican Convention in Dover. This virtually guarantees her the nomination. She was nominated from the podium by Delaware's famous former Governor Pete duPont. Gov. DuPont ran a libertarian-leaning campaign for President in 1988, which included policy positions from the Cato Instutute such as privatization of Social Security, and drastic Welfare Reform.

In Delaware, the Rollins name is synonymous with leadership, sound fiscal judgment, and community involvement. Michele and John spearheaded projects to increase access to quality education, improve healthcare, support the arts, and give needy Delawareans meaningful support services to gain self-sufficiency.

Rollins is generally considered to be from the Moderate wing of the GOP. However, she has not been afraid to address Tea Party audiences. She told a skeptical 9/12 group downstate in Millsboro that she was inspired to run because of her opposition to Obama's health care. She also stated her opposition to Cap & Trade, and support for the 2nd Amendment.

On the economy from her campaign website:

"Just look at what the Obama administration has done – bigger government, bigger spending and higher taxes – and what do we have to show for it? Where are the new jobs to boost our economy? The Obama management of our money is a disaster."

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