Barbarianism vs. American-style justice

Gadhafi sodomized before he was shot

From Eric Dondero:

Even the most diehard Gadhafi haters are having a difficult time stomaching some of the extremely graphic videos of his final moments, at the hands of Libyan rebels.

Eric Odom, co-founder of the Tea Party and current editor of Liberty News expresses a sentiment held by many of us:

First, let me be clear that Gadhafi was an evil man, with evil intentions and lots of evidence stacked against him. But last night while watching graphic video of his last moments, I had to wonder whether or not we are cheering for the right outcome... it's one thing to want Gadhafi brought to justice. As was the case with Saddam Hussein, Gadhafi would have had his day. But to celebrate the fact that he was likely pushed to his knees and shot behind the ear? I'm not so sure that's the kind of people we are.

Odom made these remarks yesterday, before an even more graphic video surfaced of Ghadafi's demise. Shown here, one of the rebels who captured him, sodomizes the Libyan leader, shoving a baton up his anus. WARNING: Very difficult to watch.

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