Anti-Sharia Law bill passes overwhelmingly in Oklahoma Legislature

The bill prohibits Oklahoma courts from utilizing laws from other nations. The practical effect is aimed at Sharia Law. For example, courts in the United Kingdom have been giving increasing deference to Muslim rules and restrictions outlined in the Koran. Oklahoma legislators have sought to put a halt to any such consideration in the States' judicial system.

"The proposed amendment would prohibit all Oklahoma courts from considering the legal precepts of other nations or cultures, even in cases of first impression."

The vote in the House was 91 to 2. Both "no" votes came from Democratic Party legislators. The bill now advances to the Senate.

House Joint Resolution 1056 was sponsored by state Rep. Rex Duncan.


"Unfortunately, some judges in other states and on the federal bench have begun to cite international law in their court decisions, effectively undermining our own democratic system of government," said Duncan, a Sand Springs Republican and attorney who chairs the House Judiciary Committee. "Our nation’s laws were developed through a democratic process and should not be undermined by haphazard reliance on foreign rulings developed in autocratic societies. Oklahoma court decisions should be based on the U.S. Constitution, Oklahoma Constitution, and our state and national laws – period."

The proposed amendment declares that courts "shall not consider international law or Sharia Law."

(H/t BareNakedIslam)

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