Another Libertarian candidate makes it on the ballot –

Peoria, Ill. (WEEK) -- A rare event in local election history as nine Libertarians have made it onto the November ballots.

After a court battle over verifying signatures, Chad Grimm joins the rest of the third party candidates already on there.

"I understand the political logic if you are a Republican or Democrat and have a race and it's a close race you might not want someone on there that could throw the vote. Do I philosophically agree with that? No. I think that everybody who wants to be on a ballot should be heard," said Grimm.

Chad Grimm is running against Jehan Gordon-Booth for the 92nd District in the House of Representatives.

"I'm extraordinary in support of the small business owner. I'm absolutely for lower taxes, less government. I'm also to the left of her on criminal justice which she pretends to champion," explained Grimm.

Libertarians are also seeking seats like, coroner, auditor, board members in both Peoria and Tazewell County.

Peoria County Election Commission's Executive Director, Thomas Bride calls this local election history in the making.

"We've only had one independent or third-party candidate in the last 10-12 years that I've been doing this. So it's extremely rare. It's not as rare at the state level, but on a local level it's more rare," said Bride.

Bride thinks the state lowering the required signature number is a reason behind the change.

"In Peoria County you needed a little over 3,000 and it was down to about 330 signatures needed for the county wide race. They were allowed to collect signatures online which they haven't been able to do before. It dramatically lowered the bar than it has been in the past," said Bride.

Bride said more people on the ballot means more choices for the voters.

Grimm hopes he and the Libertarian party is the choice people are looking for.

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Another Libertarian candidate makes it on the ballot -

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