Genetic ‘Signature’ Predicts Breast Cancer Chemotherapy Response: Study

Scientists have uncovered genetic signs that could help doctors predict how breast cancer patients will respond to chemotherapy.

Researchers led by McMaster University biochemist John A. Hassell found two sets of genes that could indicate the presence of higher levels of two proteins targeted by commonly used chemotherapy drugs.

They reported their results in a paper published Thursday in the journal BMC Medical Genomics.

Hassell and his colleagues focused on the enzyme TOP2A or the protein beta-tubulin, which are targeted by anthracycline and taxane chemotherapy drugs, respectively. Without those targets, the chemotherapy won't work.

The researchers built their 'gene expression signatures' by looking at the expression levels - how often the genes are transcribed - of genes that correlated with the expression levels for the genes encoding TOP2A and beta-tubulin.

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If the signature indicates a patient's tumor is making a lot of TOP2A and beta-tubulin, there's a good chance that chemotherapy will be more effective. And on the flip side, if a patient's genetic signature indicates that chemotherapy wouldn't be as successful, doctors can avoid giving the patient a treatment that would do more harm than good.

Using data for a group of 488 breast cancer patients, Hassell and his team found they could use these genetic signatures to accurately predict if anthrocycline or taxane drugs had successfully obliterate a patient's cancer.

"This is all in the realm of personalized medicine," Hassell said in a telephone interview.

Hopefully, finding these kinds of genetic indicators will mean that eventually a breast cancer patient can be treated with a chemotherapeutic agent tailored to her particular type of breast cancer, according to Hassell.

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Genetic ‘Signature’ Predicts Breast Cancer Chemotherapy Response: Study

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