Umbehr earns endorsement of Libertarian leader

Libertarian gubernatorial candidate Keen Umbehr received the endorsement Wednesday of a former New Mexico governor and 2012 presidential candidate.

Gary Johnson, who was the Libertarian Party's nominee for president two years ago and was Republican governor of New Mexico from 1995 to 2003, recommended Umbehr rather than Republican Gov. Sam Brownback, of Topeka, and Democratic Party nominee Paul Davis, of Lawrence.

Keen Umbehr has been fighting for more transparent and accountable government for over 25 years, Johnson said. The man has repeatedly risked everything to do the right thing.

Johnson said Umbehr was the best candidate based on a proven background and steadfast commitment to uphold the Constitution.

Umbehr, an Alma attorney, said Johnson worked as a gatekeeper of poorly drafted legislation in New Mexico. In eight years, he said, Johnson vetoed more than 700 bills.

He also had the most open governor's office imaginable, setting aside one afternoon each week when anyone could schedule a short meeting directly with the governor for any reason, Umbehr said. Thats good and transparent government, and Ill follow his lead on both of these policies.

The Brownback campaign released a 30-second commercial Wednesday designed to outline how the governors policies contributed to moving Kansans into the workforce and off public assistance. The spot features Olathe mother Bobbie Jones Kimble, who was previously homeless and unemployed.

Bobbie's story is remarkable, Brownback said. She worked to break the cycle of poverty by learning the dignity of work.

He said more than 20,000 people had left state assistance rolls since January 2011. Eligibility for programs designed to assist people living in poverty has been a focus of reform in the GOP administration.

Jill Docking, the Democratic candidate for lieutenant governor on the ticket with Davis, and Sandy Praeger, a Republican serving as the states insurance commissioner, said Wednesday a plan developed by the Legislature and embraced by Brownback to take over Medicare should be abandoned.

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Umbehr earns endorsement of Libertarian leader

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