Recruiting for autism study – WTAJ

An area health system is recruiting people with autism and their families for a nationwide genetics study.Geisinger's Autism and Developmental Medicine Institute (ADMI) has been awarded a one-year $150,000 grant for the research. The grant is renewable for a full three year term.

Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Boston Children's Hospital and the UCLA Center for Autism are also taking part in the study. Researchers hope to enroll 50,000 people and use their medical and genetic data to better understand autism.

Approximately 50 genes, believed to play a role in autism, have been identified and Geisinger says researchers estimate that at least 300 more are involved. But many more samples are needed from those with autism and their immediate families.

ADMI Associate Director Brenda Finucane said, "we do a lot of family studies to look at just people's genetic makeup and then when a child is born with a particular change in their genetic makeup, how the family background genes are influencing the way it plays out."

To participate in the study contact Kate Dent at 570-522-9402 or email her at

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Recruiting for autism study - WTAJ

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