Aurora to DICOMize Digital Pathology Images for Inclusion in PACS

Exciting news from Aurora Interactive mentioning inclusion of a DICOMizer within their functionality adding another needed piece to integration of pathology images into the PACS and electronic health record (EHR).

Aurora Interactive is including this new functionality in its mScope suite of products to allow a better integration of digital pathology images with radiology images and to simplify the inclusion of digital pathology images in the electronic health record (EHR)

MONTREAL, QUEBEC, CANADA- FEBRUARY 22, 2012 – Aurora Interactive announced today that it has added a DICOMizer to its mScope digital pathology product.  This tool will make the inclusion of report images in the hospital PACS possible which will allow the inclusion of these images in the electronic health record (EHR) where the PACS and the EHR are integrated.

“Aurora continues to reinforce its commitment to universality, interoperability, our client’s strategic flexibility and service. We believe in supporting our client’s in their efforts to deliver pathology diagnosis information to all diagnostic stakeholders through whatever means they choose.” stated Pierre Le Fèvre, President and Chief Executive Officer, Aurora Interactive.

About Aurora Interactive Ltd.

Aurora Interactive has developed the leading web based software platform (mScope) for simplification, productivity and ease of communications.  mScope’s Universal Web Viewer has collaborative tools to view medical slides and images anytime, anywhere, regardless of file format.  The software has four applications to aid digital pathology web based communications needs: mScope Education, mScope Clinical, mScope Research and mScope Universal Viewer. Aurora’s mission is to improve patient outcomes and help members of the medical community achieve their full potential by eliminating the learning, diagnostic and collaborative restrictions imposed by time and space.  



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