Susan Collins Says Russia Had ‘Truly Provocative’ Reaction to Montenegro Joining NATO – Maine Public

Republican U.S. Sen. Susan Collins of Maine says shes alarmed over Russian reaction to NATOs newest member, a country with close military ties to Maine: Montenegro.

The Maine National Guard has a longtime state partnership with Montenegro, and actually helped them get ready for ascension into NATO something Im very proud of, she says.

The Balkan country, part of the former Yugoslavia, became the 29th member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization on June 5.

Speaking at an Appropriations subcommittee hearing, Collins told Defense Secretary James Mattis that shes concerned by Russian statements indicating possible retaliation.

Thats truly provocative language and I just want to encourage you to keep sending the right signals to our NATO allies, she says.

Currently, the 2018 budget calls for $4.8 billion and $9 million for the European Reassurance Initiative and the State Partnership Program, respectively.

Maines guard unit has been partnered with Montenegro since 2006.

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Susan Collins Says Russia Had 'Truly Provocative' Reaction to Montenegro Joining NATO - Maine Public

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