Three Tendring beaches keep their Blue Flag status

Three Tendring beaches keep their Blue Flag status

12:40pm Wednesday 16th May 2012 in News By James Dwan

THREE beaches on Tendrings Sunshine Coast have retained their prestigious Blue Flags.

The awards, organised by Keep Britain Tidy, are made for offering visitors top-quality facilities, litter-free beaches and a safe environment.

Tendring Council said the accolades for Brightlingsea, Dovercourt and Clactons Martello Bay beaches offer a boost for the districts tourist trade before the summer season starts.

Tendrings beaches also held on to their six Quality Coast Awards for Martello Bay and West Beach, Clacton, Frinton Beach, Harwich Beach, Albion Beach, Walton, and the Naze, at Walton.

Stephen Mayzes, cabinet member for tourism, said: We already set very high standards for our holiday beaches, which are a vital part of the tourist offer in the district. We work hard to make sure our golden sands will attract people year after year and ensure they are also an important amenity where our residents can relax and improve their well-being. He added: While we know we have some of the best beaches and will strive to keep them that way it is great, and a real bonus to have this recognised by others .

Mr Mayzes said guidelines for water quality will be changing in 2015, which will make it more difficult for beaches to retain the honours.

He added: We are already holding talks with Anglian Water, who are responsible for water quality along the coastline, about this and what can be done in the future.

The Blue Flag scheme, launched by the Foundation for Environmental Education in 1987, recognises high standards in a number of criteria covering environmental education and information, water quality, environmental management, safety and services.

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Three Tendring beaches keep their Blue Flag status

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