County health officials cancel advisory at two local beaches – Palm Beach Post

The county department of health has canceled a health advisory at two beaches after sampling showed bacterial levels in the water were in the good range, a spokesman said.

The advisories were lifted at Ocean Inlet Park Beach and Sandoway Park Beach in Delray Beach.

Causes of the elevated level that prompted the advisory are unknown but are generally associated with wildlife, heavy recreational usage, high surf from high winds and high tides or runoff following heavy rain, according to county health officials.

Beach water is monitored at 13 locations from Boca Raton to Jupiter for enterococcus, a bacteria present in the intestinal tract of warm-blooded animals, including humans, and that have been found to indicate the presence of other bacteria that can make you sick. Exposure to enterococcus can lead to stomach upset and wound infections in people.

Samples taken by the health department are laboratory tested for concentrations of the bacteria and a value assigned to indicate poor, moderate or good ranges.

Health officials advise rinsing with fresh water after swimming in any natural body of water.

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County health officials cancel advisory at two local beaches - Palm Beach Post

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