Beautiful Belgium Beaches

Breathtaking Belgium Sunset

Unbeknownst to many people, Belgium is partly situated along forty-two miles of beautiful coastline. The North Sea has one of the most beautiful sweeps of soft, white sand, making these beaches the ideal spot for activities such as walking, jogging or playing different sports. More preferable in the summer, tourists flock to this spot to experience the beauty these beaches have to offer. One thing to be aware of is that the water stays pretty cool even during the summer. So, if you are the type of person who prefers Mexico-type water temperatures, you might want to consider a different vacation destination this time.

Knokke Beach Seashells

Whether you are traveling for the best seafood, water sports or places to tan, Belgium is the perfect vacation spot for those looking for a memorable vacation. A more specific location to look out for in Belgium is Knokke-Heist, one of the most beautiful resort destinations. Located right along the water, this spot is known not only for its expensive surroundings, but it is predominantly admired for its beaches which are decorated with beautiful sand dunes. This particular spot along the coastline provides a perfect getaway for both romantic couples and family vacations. Knokke is also well-known for its unforgettable restaurants and adorable Bed and Breakfasts, so make your way over to this scenic destination next time you find yourself in Belgium.

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