Health Financing Progress Matrix Launch Event – World Health Organization

UHC is at the core of WHO's strategic direction, and effective, evidence-informed health financing policies are essential for progress. The Health Financing Progress Matrix (HFPM) is the World Health Organizations standardized qualitative approach to assessing how aligned a countrys health financing system is with Universal Health Coverage. It crystallizes thinking on what matters in health financing for UHC, based on a body of evidence and normative work developed over the past thirty years. The HFPM assesses a countrys health financing institutions, policies and their implementation at a given point in time, which ultimately impacts on population access to quality health services, and the incidence of financial hardship. Given the centrality of health financing to UHC, the HFPM is integral to supporting progress towards the target of 1 billion people covered by UHC by 2023.

Why is progress in health financing central to support accelerating towards UHC? How do countries know whether they are heading in the right direction? How can the progress matrix support countries to identify priority issues, and subsequently drive progress towards UHC in the process. To answer these questions WHOs Department of Health Systems Governance and Financing, jointly with WHOs Department of Delivery for Impact, are organizing a launch event on Wednesday 16th December 14:30-15:30 (CET). This event provides an overview of the HFPM2.0,the culmination of almost three years of conceptual development and testing in 20 countries,and showcases how it supports countries to systematically track progress in health financing and ultimately UHC. A key focus of GPW13 is to build country-level capacity to measure impact and collectively progress towards the Triple Billion Targets and health-related SDGs. The session will present how the HFPM enables countries to track progress, monitor data and policies implementation and ultimately catalyze actions to improve health financing institutions and policies.

A selection of speakers will reflect on how the HFPM can support their work in countries to support the development of health financing policy and UHC, which contributes to more resilient health systems and improved emergency preparedness and response.

Zoom Meeting Details

Meeting ID: 976 6583 8265Passcode:Launch2#


Welcome and introductory remarks:

Joseph Kutzin, Unit Head, Health Financing, WHODr. Pavel Ursu, Director, Dept. Delivery for Impact, WHO

An overview of the HFPM

Matthew Jowett, Senior Health Financing Specialist, WHO

Country reflections:

Kingsley Addai, Technical Officer, Health Financing, WHO Country Office GhanaElina Dale, Adviser on Health Policy, WHO County Office Ukraine

The researchers perspective

Kara Hanson, Professor of Health System Economics, and Dean, Faculty of Public Health And Policy, LSHTM

Intensive support to countries

Dr. Pavel Ursu, Director, Dep. Delivery for ImpactAwad Mataria, Director Health Systems Strengthening, WHO EMRO

The perspective from a funding agency

Jo Keatinge, Health Advisor, FCDO United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Rapid Q&A

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Health Financing Progress Matrix Launch Event - World Health Organization

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