Town hall brings drama, fears on health care – Ventura County Star

The audience comes to its feet applauding someone's comment that single-payer health coverage is the best solution. The standing-room-only crowd filled a conference room at the Camarillo Library during a town hall meeting on health care that was hosted by Rep. Julia Brownley.(Photo: KAREN QUINCY LOBERG/THE STAR)Buy Photo

More than 200 people filled every inch of a library conference room in Camarillo, standing in doorways and lined up four deep in the back.

Some carried signs to a Tuesday night town hall meeting held by U.S Rep. Julia Brownley, D-Westlake Village. Patients Over Politics, said a placard at the back of a gathering that at times became a rally for an Affordable Care Act that Republicans have pledged to repeal.

A few people wore pink cat hats.

This seems like a crowd thats all on the same page, Brownley said.

But when a different speaker asked if anyone thought their health care could improve without the system known as Obamacare, at least two people raised their hands. Then one woman, who later identified herself as a Donald Trump supporter, noted that she was a constituent of Brownleylike everyone else and asked for respect. Another audience member responded by loudly demanding the new president show people respect.

Aside from a few heated exchanges, the event revolved around concern that repealing the Affordable Care Act will mean less care.

We want greater access, not less, Brownley said.

Other speakers called for more details on the Republican plan to replace the current system.

One speaker worried that people with pre-existing health conditions could be ushered into high-risk insurance pools in which health care could cost more.

We were routinely spending $30,000 for health care, said Deborah Madden, of Westlake Village, who has a son with Type 1 diabetes, thinking of the days before the Affordable Care Act. She said the health system can be improved but worried that its elimination could hurt her son and others.

Health care is a human right, not a political issue, she said.

Dr. Kathleen Shore, of Ventura, came in her white physicians coat, complete with a stethoscope. Shes a family-practice doctor affiliated with a county-run safety net system. She worried that repeal will mean people losing coverage and care.

I can tell you story after story of people who have suffered from not having primary care, she said.

Another man called for a single-payer health care system. His request drew a standing ovation.

Deborah Baber Savalla wore a hoodie emblazoned with the name, Trump. At one point, she told the crowd she didnt feel welcome, leading another person to tell her she wasnt. Another person then came to offer Savalla a hug.

After the meeting, Savalla said she came looking for information.

I truly wanted to know what her position was, she said of Brownley.


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The congresswoman told the crowd she was willing to consider proposals presented by Republicans but drew a line at reverting to the way things were before the Affordable Care Act.

Im not open to going backward, she said. Im interested in going forward.

Nancy Gomez of the advocacy groupHealth Access Californiaurged people to contact friends and family members and ask them to reach out to Republicans in Congress.

We can slow down this train wreck, she said.

Paula Roady, 63, of Camarillo, came with a sign that read, Yay ACA, and noted that organizers should have booked a bigger room.

She came to listen but also to send a message to the new president.

Were going to be involved now in resisting this new administration, she said.

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Town hall brings drama, fears on health care - Ventura County Star

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