Health care and Yogi Berra’s fork – The Missoulian

Yogi Berra said, "When you come to a fork in the road, take it!" America has come to a "fork in the road." This serious matter is our healthcare system.

We can either choose to travel the road of a "single-payer system" (Medicare for all) or continue traveling the road of insurance and pharmaceuticals controlling our health care while supporting their financial bottom lines.

My take on where both Barack Obama and Donald Trump really come from is having a system where every person has the right to affordable health care. That is, it is a right, not a privilege, and is to be accepted as much a part of our American life as well-maintained roads, national security, outstanding educational opportunities and effective law enforcement. These are things we take for granted.

The Affordable Care Act, aka "Obamacare," was a step in this direction but doomed to problems because, for one reason, it maintained the financial burdens of profit goals by the insurance and pharmaceutical industries.

To get from where we are to a single-payer system is going to take many adjustments and changes all aiming at the ultimate goal.

It can be done, but is going to take picking up Yogi Berra's fork and making serious decisions.

Originally posted here:

Health care and Yogi Berra's fork - The Missoulian

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