Around the Region: Beaches Martin Luther King Jr. celebration and more

FIRST COAST Camp Composition teaches FSA writing skills

Camp Composition, a six-week program that prepares students in grades 4-11 for the new FSA English Language Arts writing test, begins on Saturday, Jan. 24, at the University of North Florida and meets for six Saturdays. A registration fee of $240 is required, with siblings receiving a discount. Some scholarships may be available. To register or for more, (904)620-1754 or

BEACHES Elections Official To Speak

Tracie N. Davis, Duval County Deputy Supervisor of Elections, will be the guest speaker at the Beaches Democratic Club meeting 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 20, at the Beaches public library, 600 3rd Street, Neptune Beach. The public is invited. Davis, an SOE employee since 2001, is seeking the top job in the municipal elections in March, and will talk about the changes in election laws and procedures during the 12 years she has worked for three different election chiefs.

BEACHES Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration

St. Andrew African Methodist Episcopal Church, Roberts Mt. Pisgah African Methodist Espiscopal Church and St. Pauls by-the-Sea Espiscopal Church presents a celebration of Martin Luther King, Jr. 4:00 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 18, at St. Pauls by-the-Sea Episcopal Church, 465 11th Avenue N., Jacksonville Beach. The celebration features Dr. Percy J. Golden, senior bishop of The Holy Church of the Living God Revival Center in Atlantic Beach, as the keynote speaker and the First Coast Beaches Community Choir. A reception immediately follows the celebration. Public is welcome to attend.

CLAY Blue Star Marker Dedication

District IV of the Florida Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc. is hosting a Blue Star Marker Dedication 10:00 a.m. Saturday, Jan. 24, at the Jacksonville National Cemetery, 4083 Lannie Road. This special event is to honor all who have served or will serve in the Armed Forces. For more, (904) 264-6619.

ORANGE PARK Leisure and professional development classes offered at SJRSC

St. Johns River State College offers a variety of non-credit leisure and professional development courses this spring on its Orange Park campus, 283 College Drive. Courses include digital photography, BLS, Microsoft Office software and general English and math. These classes have no prerequisites, and cannot be used to satisfy the requirements of a degree or certificate program. Registration fees vary for each course, and students may register for one or several courses. For more, (386) 312-4211 or visit the website at to download a registration form.

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Around the Region: Beaches Martin Luther King Jr. celebration and more

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