Interested in Blogging? | Bradley Bowen – Patheos

It looks like The Secular Outpost blog will be retired in December.

My understanding is that previously published posts on The Secular Outpost will be archived and available through The Secular Web after this blog is retired.

However, a new site for multiple skeptical/secular blogs might be created by the Internet Infidels in 2022, so another skeptical/secular blog might be created to replace The Secular Outpost.

If you are interested in contributing posts to a new skeptical/secular blog that might be created to replace The Secular Outpost, then please send me an email (to: with answers to the following questions:

What topics would you be likely to write about? (select all that apply)

__atheism__agnosticism__naturalism__secularism__supernaturalism/miracles__theism/God__humanism__critical thinking/rationality__religion__Christianity__Islam__Judaism__Hinduism__Buddhism__life after death/souls__faith vs. reason__philosophy of religion__ethics__science vs. religion__current events__other topics (please specify)

How often do you think you would write a post in 2022 if you become a contributor to a new skeptical/secular blog?

__ times per week


__times per month


__times per year

What sort of approach(es) would you generally take in your blog posts? (select all that apply)

__scientific or empirical facts and evidence for atheism/naturalism/skepticism/secularism

__philosophical/logical arguments for atheism/naturalism/skepticism/secularism

__scientific or empirical facts and evidence against theism/religion/supernaturalism

__philosophical/logical arguments against theism/religion/supernaturalism

__critique of scientific or empirical facts and evidence against atheism/naturalism/skepticism/secularism

__critique of scientific or empirical facts and evidence for theism/religion/supernaturalism

__critique of philosophical/logical arguments against atheism/naturalism/skepticism/secularism

__critique of philosophical/logical arguments for theism/religion/supernaturalism

__ some other approach (please provide a brief description)

What education and/or experience do you have thinking and writing about the topics that you would be likely to blog about?

[Just write a paragraph or two responding to this question].

View original post here:

Interested in Blogging? | Bradley Bowen - Patheos

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