As it happened: Chat with Kalpana Sharma, Subhalakshmi Nandi


Comment From Pankaj Tyagi

On this day, women from all levels of society should take pledge that "they will going to raise voice against anything wrong happen with their dignity and womanhood (triviality of the incident must be immaterial)".......... GIRLS BREAK YOUR SILENCE and BOYS GIVE EQUAL RESPECT TO WOMEN


The Hindu: We have with us Kalpana Sharma, columnist and former deputy editor at The Hindu. Her areas of interest include development and gender issues.


Kalpana Sharma: Hello. It is good to have the conversation on International Women's Day but we should be having it all the time.


The Hindu: On Women's Day today, we have a lot of men asking why we do not have a Men's Day! Your response?



As it happened: Chat with Kalpana Sharma, Subhalakshmi Nandi

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