West County students earn several awards at MAC Science Fair

West County Middle and High School students recently competed at the 31st annual Mineral Area College Science Fair April 4.

For the past 31 years, area schools have been invited to the college to participate in a science fair and t-shirt design competition. This competition is open to middle and high school-age students. Judging is based on creativity, scientific thought, thoroughness, skill, clarity and dramatic value. Topics include behavioral and social science, biology, chemistry, computer science, earth science, mathematics, physics and product testing.

The following West County Middle School students competed and placed in their divisions: Baily Henson and Rylee Walling, honorable mention, chemistry; Sydnee Walling and Kylie Newhouse, third place, chemistry; Maggie Hull and Mikayla Sherrill, first place, product testing; and Josh Neeley, third place, product testing.

These other middle school students also competed in the science fair: Rebekka McSpadden, Matthew Clifton, Jacob Briley, Mackenzie Kaiser, Peyton Nipper, Arizona LaMarche and Jacob Lybarger.

The following West County High School students competed and placed in their divisions: Trevor Davis and Devihn Lindsey, honorable mention, behavioral and social science; Kaysa Wilkinson and Ashley Brewer, second place, behavioral and social science; Danyelle Brewer and Hope Barnes, second place, biology; Michael Popejoy, first place, chemistry; Samantha Retzer and Katelyn Verdin, second place earth science; Paul Chandler, second place engineering; Josh McSpadden, third place, engineering; Syr Lyons-Jahn, second place, mathematics; Harley Clubb and Cody Clubb, honorable mention, physics; Hannah Skaggs and Rheannon Fritchley, third place, physics; Levi Mills, second place, physics; William Cureton, first place, physics; and Riley Hill, second place, product testing.

These other high school students also competed in the science fair: Danielle McMullin and Kayla Staten.

Also, each year students submit entries for the t-shirt competition. This year's winner was ninth-grader Josh McSpadden. His design will be used as next year's MAC Science Fair t-shirt and will be given out to all competitors at the 2015 contest.

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West County students earn several awards at MAC Science Fair

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