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Dam Removal Study Reveals River Resiliency

Apr. 30, 2015 More than 1,000 dams have been removed across the United States because of safety concerns, sediment buildup, inefficiency or having otherwise outlived usefulness. A paper finds that rivers are resilient and respond relatively quickly after a dam is ...

Apr. 30, 2015 Fishery improvement projects -- programs designed to fast-track access to the world seafood market in exchange for promises to upgrade sustainable practices -- need to first make good on those sustainability pledges before retailers and fisheries actually do business, researchers recommend. The findings are particularly important as major ...

Apr. 30, 2015 Within the past week, Thailand officials seized seven tons of ivory, representing the slaughter of hundreds of African elephants for illegal trade. While recent reports say that poaching far exceeds population growth, some conservation groups contend that population growth in some regions compensates for poaching losses in others, despite the fact that each area is populated by a different ...

Apr. 30, 2015 Behavioral conformity has been studied extensively and is commonly explained in terms of social pressure or impact. Surprisingly, however, recent research suggests that social factors may not be necessary to produce or explain conformity. According to their study people may simply confuse memories ...

Apr. 28, 2015 A lack of safety at school is one of the correlates of childhood obesity, say researchers. The researchers came to their conclusions by reviewing data provided by 1,234 Quebec youths who had just entered secondary school. The students were asked about their feelings of safety at school and whether they had been verbally, socially or physically bullied. This information was supplemented with data ...

Apr. 28, 2015 Most of the time, we learn only gradually, incrementally building connections between actions or events and outcomes. But there are exceptions--every once in a while, something happens and we immediately learn to associate that stimulus with a result. Scientists have discovered that uncertainty in ...

Apr. 28, 2015 Bullying adversely affects children in later life more than being maltreated, according to new research. A new study shows that children who have been bullied by peers suffer worse in the longer term than those who have been maltreated ...

Apr. 29, 2015 Logic would dictate that consumers receiving new market information would jump at the chance to adjust their investments accordingly. In practice, however, many people associate change with loss of control. They crave the idea of permanence or closure to such an extent that they would rather freeze decisions in place even if, ironically, this puts them more at risk, according to a new ...

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