What Health Care Barriers Have You Faced As A Black Trans Person? – BuzzFeed News

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And its not for a lack of trying, either.

ID: 10528166

ID: 10528360

ID: 10528729

Shoot, maybe you dont even have insurance, which means you cant get the health care you really need.

ID: 10536520

Maybe they refused to use your preferred pronoun or made sweeping generalizations without ever actually asking about your lifestyle.

ID: 10528689

Maybe they said snide or even outright mean things to you. And because of this mistreatment, you knew that place wasnt the right one for you even if it was just to get checked up for a nagging cough or an eye exam. Maybe such an instance even forced you to travel two hours now just to see someone whos trans-friendly and knows what theyre doing.

ID: 10528578

If so, please share your secrets with the class.

ID: 10532364

You can submit your story (anonymously, if you want to) in the form below. You can also view the form here, which might be easier on mobile. Please share as much detail as you can vent to us! The more we know about your experience, the more likely it is that we can include you in a future post. Your story, whether related or unrelated to transition, could help other people with their own medical struggles.

ID: 10529123

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What Health Care Barriers Have You Faced As A Black Trans Person?

Tagged:add yours, black andtrans, black transhealth, black transperson, discrimination, doctor, estrogen, harassment, health, health care, healthcare, hormone therapy, medical care, medicine, progesterone, seeing adoctor, surgery, testosterone, top surgery, trans, trans healthcare, trans healthcare, trans medicine, transgender, transition, collection

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What Health Care Barriers Have You Faced As A Black Trans Person? - BuzzFeed News

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